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After dinner that evening, Harry and Draco made their way down to Severus' chambers. They had made it through their classes and lunch, and then had done as Severus had suggested and taken a long nap together that afternoon. The day hadn't gone as badly as they had feared. After Blaise's show of appreciation that morning, everything from the night before had been easier to bear. They both knew that they had done the right thing, and it felt good.

Now, however, Harry seemed to be dragging his heels as they walked down to the dungeons. Draco knew why, but he didn't say anything. He just grabbed Harry's hand and kept him moving.

Lucius was already there when they arrived in the sitting room, but Severus hadn't made it back from dinner yet. Harry had been slowing down as they neared their destination, but when he saw Lucius, he stopped completely. Draco just kept tugging and pulled Harry over to the sofa with him. Draco sat down with his back against the armrest and pulled Harry down to sit between his legs so that he could wrap his arms around him. Harry seemed to relax a bit as he leaned back into Draco's chest and rested his head on Draco's shoulder.

Harry closed his eyes and really did try to relax. It felt good to be in Draco's arms, but he had no idea what he was supposed to say to Lucius. Oh, sorry about getting you thrown into Azkaban last spring. But you see, Voldemort felt that I needed to know that either I had to kill him or he would have to kill me. Harry groaned lightly to himself. Yeah, that would not likely go over well.

Lucius nodded in greeting, but otherwise had not said or done anything up to that point. He just observed as his son practically had to force Harry into the room and was currently trying to get him to relax. When Harry groaned, Draco whispered something in Harry's ear that just made the boy snort in response.

Lucius had to wonder if Severus' ideas had more merit than he had at first realized. It seemed odd to be serving a sixteen-year-old boy hard liquor, but then, Harry wasn't your typical sixteen-year-old, either. Lucius got up to retrieve one of the bottles of scotch and some glasses. He did as Severus had done a few nights before, pouring a glass and handing it to Draco to pass to Harry. Draco murmured in Harry's ear and Harry sat up a bit to take a hefty swallow before leaning back again.

Lucius thought about it briefly, then passed a second glass to Draco. Draco looked at his father in surprise. A glass of wine with dinner was allowed now and then, but never anything more than that.

"I think you've earned it," was all Lucius said.

Harry chuckled, but there wasn't much amusement in it. "That's what my father said when he gave me my first glass of scotch," he explained. He stared down at his glass. "I enjoy the privilege, but I'm not very appreciative of all the things I've gone through to earn it," he said bitterly.

Draco had taken a sip of his scotch, but set his glass back down on the table at Harry's words. He then took Harry's glass from him and set it on the table as well, before shifting Harry in his arms so he could kiss him.

And Draco was relentless. This wasn't a chaste and gentle kiss. He pulled Harry to him tightly and proceeded to plunder Harry's mouth. It wasn't long before Harry had his hands twined in Draco's hair and he had turned completely in Draco's arms to align their bodies. Draco was running his hands up and down Harry's back, sliding lower each time.

Lucius watched in amazement as the boys in front of him seemed to melt together. He was slightly startled when he heard Severus' voice, since he hadn't heard him enter the room.

"Are they performing more 'stress relief'?" Severus asked wryly.

Lucius just stared at him for a moment. "Do they do this often in front of other people?" he asked in amazement.

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