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Harry and Draco headed back to the Room of Requirement the next afternoon. Harry was pleased when he walked into the room. It was much larger than it had been the day before, and he hoped that meant the room realized there would be a lot of people attending this meeting, though it was probably just a reflection of his own optimism. There was a raised platform at one end of the room with a large desk off to the side of the platform. Harry headed directly to it, laid down his bag and got out his lessons that he'd been preparing over the summer.

Draco had wandered over to inspect a large duelling area that was opposite the door. While the platform would be good for speeches and for teaching, the duelling area was perfect for demonstrations.

On the opposite end of the room from the platform were bins of all kinds of useful materials, including cushions and such for practicing spells. Draco was impressed. He wandered back to the platform where Harry was. The back wall of the platform was lined with bookshelves and he inspected the shelves next, trailing a finger along the spines as he read through the titles. He turned back to where Harry was sitting at the desk reading through his plans.

"You've made this into your own defence classroom, haven't you?" he said, surprise in his tone.

Harry quirked an eyebrow at Draco, then glanced around the room briefly. "I had to tell the room basically what I needed and this is what it gave me," he replied. "I think it will work nicely. Now let's just hope people decide to show up."

Draco sauntered over and pushed Harry's chair away from the desk so that he could straddle Harry's lap. Draco smirked at him.

"Somehow, I think you will have a fine reception, Professor Snape," Draco drawled.

Harry choked and spluttered. "I am not Professor Snape."

"You might as well be. You're essentially taking on the role of a professor." Draco made a sweeping gesture of the room and then pointedly picked up Harry's lesson plans. "Look at the classroom you created, and you've even got your own lesson plans, for Merlin's sake!"

Harry's eyes took on a mischievous twinkle, and he gave Draco a sly grin as he slid his hands under Draco's robes and grabbed his hips to pull him even closer. "If you want to play this game, does that mean I get to punish you if you misbehave?" Harry practically purred the question in that dark, silky tone that wasn't truly that different from his father's.

Draco groaned as he squirmed in Harry's lap, trying to get even closer. "I think I like this Professor Snape better," he gasped out his response. Both had already become half hard when Draco first sat on Harry's lap. Now they were both very hard and they strained to make contact with each other. Harry shifted in the chair so that he could arch his hips up into Draco's, even as Draco wrapped his hands in Harry's hair and held his head still so that he could claim his lips.

Draco slid his tongue into the wet cavern of Harry's mouth and set out to explore its depths. Harry moaned low in his throat and met Draco's tongue with his own. He slid his tongue across Draco's and savoured his taste and the feeling of warmth and pleasure it brought.

Harry realized that he would have never guessed that his old rival had such a unique and wonderful flavour before the events of the last week. Harry shoved Draco's tongue back into his mouth with his own so that he could explore in more detail. Draco was delicious and had clearly been eating sweets recently. As Harry explored, he savoured the caramel and honey flavour and that sweetness that made it uniquely Draco.

Who would have ever guessed that Malfoys had their own flavour?

Harry knew that he wasn't quite rational in his thinking at this particular moment. He was drowning in the sensations. Draco's kiss tasted divine. His hands were now twined in Harry's hair, not allowing Harry to pull away even if he had wanted. They were pressed against each other with no room between them.

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