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Harry rose early the next morning. He wanted a chance to talk with his father since he didn't have the opportunity the night before. He slipped through their connecting door to find his father sitting with a cup of tea and reading through the Daily Prophet.

"Good Morning, Father," Harry said as he approached his father's sitting area and took a seat.

Severus looked at him as he laid the newspaper down on a small side table. "How are you doing this morning, Dustin?" he asked, with just the slightest emphasis on his name.

Harry gave him a sharp look before answering, "Yes, Dustin is getting settled in as well as could be expected." He gave his father a smirk, "Maybe even better than expected."

"Indeed." Severus returned the smirk. "I noticed that you managed to rile up the entire student body last night. And you managed to do it without any hexes being thrown. That is quite an accomplishment." His tone became more serious as he asked, "But how are you doing? This can't be an easy adjustment."

Harry got up and went to sit in his father's lap to take a little comfort before starting out this first day of his new school life, not caring that he was too old for it. "I'm as good as can be expected, I suppose. It's just all so surreal. Before you rescued me this summer, and before I found mum's journal, I'd decided to make some major changes in my life. But I guess I still can't quite believe how much I've really changed." He snuggled a little closer to his father. "I should be glad, but I still feel a little disappointed that absolutely no one recognizes me. I don't miss much from my old life, but I do miss my friends."

Severus tightened his arms around Harry. "I know that you've been through much this summer and I barely recognize you as the same person." He pulled Harry back to look in his eyes. "As much as it pains me to think that I missed out on your entire childhood, I think you left last year a child, and you've come back this year as a man. You've certainly grown a lot over the summer, and I'm sure that many of your school mates have not had to."

"Thank you, Father. I think I needed to hear that today." Harry gave a smirk to lighten the mood. "Then again, I think I've still got some teenage rebellion left in me." He laughed as his father pushed him off his lap.

"You will keep that teenage rebellion in check or you will pay the price. Things may have changed drastically, but I am still your professor as well as your father."

"Yes, yes. I'll behave!" He grinned cheekily. "Are you ready to head up for breakfast?"

They made their way out of the dungeons and up to the Great Hall, where all eyes turned to watch father and son as they entered the room. Though everyone knew the professor had a son, it was still a shock to see him actually chatting amicably with a student. Even the professors were a bit shocked to see him as something other than the snarky bastard he usually was in everyone's presence.

As they approached the Slytherin table, Harry whispered quietly, "You do know that your reputation as resident snarky bastard may be ruined, don't you?"

Severus looked affronted at that statement. "Then they will be sadly disappointed, won't they?" he sneered.

Harry just laughed as he sat down at his table and his father continued on to the head table.

He glanced around and realized almost everyone was either looking at him or his father. He grinned inwardly. If it had been anyone else, he knew he would have had that same shocked look to see Professor Snape treating anyone in such a casual manner.

Even the Slytherins, who knew the professor to be fair with them, had faint looks of awe on their faces. Harry quirked an eyebrow at them, which just got him more strange looks. He looked to Draco for an answer.

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