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"Harry, it's time." The sound of Lucius' voice woke Harry quickly. He'd been asleep, but it had been a very light, restless sleep. With a soft pop, Lucius was gone again as Harry threw back the blankets.

Harry actually looked like Harry today—the Harry that the Wizarding world knew. He quickly dressed in the clothes he'd laid out before lying down. He donned a pair of blue jeans and a simple white t-shirt, loose rather than snug fitting like he'd become used to. He threw a red with gold trim jumper over the top that practically screamed Gryffindor.

The clothes looked good on him and they were a far cry from the Dudley hand me downs that he'd always worn, but he was already missing his Dustin clothes and appearance. He glanced ruefully in one of the many mirrors in the room as he pulled on his trainers. He'd got used to his Slytherin bad boy appearance rather than this clean-cut Gryffindor appearance.

Then again, his feeling of being uncomfortable could also have something to do with the fact that he was currently residing in Draco's bedroom at Malfoy Manor. It was the epitome of a Slytherin room, and a Gryffindor did not belong there.

It had been very late the night before when they'd finally concluded their meeting. Harry and Lucius had spent the rest of the night with Draco and Severus, then, as the other two went to classes, Lucius and Harry had disappeared from Hogwarts and Apparated to Malfoy Manor.

Neither Draco nor Severus had been particularly happy with either of them. Before gathering his things, Harry touched his hand to his bracelet, sending the message to them that he was safe and sound. It was going to be a lot quicker to Apparate from Malfoy Manor than it was from Hogwarts. Severus was often late when summoned, but Lucius was not.

Lucius had ordered Harry to lie down and rest while he still could, but it felt distinctly odd to be in Malfoy Manor. So much had changed from the year before. In his wildest dreams, he hadn't imagined going willingly to Malfoy Manor and being happy to snuggle down into the luxurious warmth of Draco's bed.

Unfortunately, Draco hadn't been in it at the time. Aside from the stress of the whole situation, it hadn't felt right being in Draco's bed for the first time, and Draco wasn't even there. He was very used to sleeping with the blond Slytherin.

Harry sighed as he finished pocketing Portkeys and potion vials that his father had insisted he take. He had to agree with Draco—this had to be the stupidest idea he'd ever had. But barely two minutes after he'd woke him, Lucius was back.

"Ready, Harry?" Lucius asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Harry said, swinging his invisibility cloak around his body and saying the quick spell he'd been taught to keep it closed and keep it from slipping off his body. He grabbed Lucius' arm, and then they were gone.


Harry was bored—tense, but bored.

Lucius had Apparated them into the Dark Lord's lair and Harry had eased off to the side of the room so he wouldn't be detected. He'd listened along with Lucius as Voldemort went over the same plans Lucius had told them about the night before.

Voldemort was nothing if not repetitive. He could rant and rave about the same things repeatedly and never seem to tire of it. Harry listened as his name was cursed, his very existence was cursed, his luck was cursed, and on and on.

Harry had to wonder why the hell Lucius hadn't switched sides long ago if this was what he had to listen to all the time. Voldemort really was a raving lunatic.

Harry didn't learn anything new. Mainly Lucius had to report that no word had yet arisen regarding Harry Potter's disappearance. He'd heard a lot of speculation about the boy at the Ministry, but no indications of where he'd disappeared, or that he'd reappeared yet.

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