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Harry was sitting in one of the chairs in Dumbledore's office. They had come straight here upon returning to the school. Snape had retrieved some additional potions while Dumbledore cast some healing spells on Harry. The Dursleys really had done a number on him. But now, aside from a few fading bruises, he just felt some minor stiffness and soreness.

Harry glanced down at his clothes, realizing that he still looked a right mess. His clothes were torn and bloody from the beating he took. He had pretty much just tuned out Snape and Dumbledore at this point. They were busy debating where Harry should go for the rest of the summer.

He decided he didn't really care as long as it wasn't the Dursleys. He didn't particularly want to go back to Grimmauld Place, but if that's what was necessary then he'd do it. It wouldn't be pleasant, especially with Sirius gone now. Hell, that place was never pleasant, but at least he wouldn't have to watch his back as much as he had to when he lived with the Dursleys.

He was snapped back to attention when Snape began shouting. "There's no way in hell that I'm taking him there!"

Harry was confused. "I thought I'd either be going to Grimmauld Place or, if I was lucky, maybe to the Weasleys."

"No, Potter," Snape sneered. "It would seem that the Headmaster wants me to take you back to Snape Manor."

"What?!" Harry screeched. "Why would I be going there? It's not exactly my favourite place, but I thought I would be going to Grimmauld Place. It's protected and I'd be safe there."

"Yes, Albus, he would be safe there. I see no reason why I should be stuck watching the infernal brat for the rest of the summer." Snape glared at Dumbledore.

Harry bristled, "It's not like I even need 'watching'. I've been taking care of myself all summer already."

"Yes, and that's why we just had to come and rescue you," Snape said sarcastically. "Since you've been doing such a good job taking care of yourself."

"And if I'd been allowed to use my magic, it wouldn't have been a problem. Besides, it's not like I'm going to get attacked at Grimmauld Place."

"Potter, who knows what kind of trouble you could get into, even there."

Dumbledore finally interjected into their argument. "Yes, Severus, I tend to agree that maybe not even Grimmauld Place would be the best place for Harry right now."

Severus glared at Albus in stony silence. He realized that he'd just walked headlong into Albus' trap. Somehow he'd agreed with Albus that Potter could be in trouble at Grimmauld Place. Severus was sure Albus had expected him to say something of the sort.

Harry stared at Dumbledore and Snape. He seemed to be missing something since Snape had gone quiet all of a sudden and was now glaring at Dumbledore instead of him. Harry looked to Dumbledore.

"Why do you think I should go to Snape Manor?" Harry asked as he closed his eyes tight for a moment. When he looked back at Dumbledore, he realized the old man's eyes were twinkling again. This couldn't mean anything good as far as Harry was concerned.

"For one thing, Harry, no one would expect you to be at Snape Manor." Dumbledore smiled at the two of them as they both snorted.

"True enough," Harry said. He glanced at Snape. "But you do realize there is a reason for that, don't you?" Harry asked Dumbledore. Harry blinked when he saw Snape quirk his lip briefly, like he was trying not to laugh.

This is exactly what Severus was trying not to do. Potter had just said exactly what had been going through his own mind. He may not like the boy, but he had to give him credit for something well said.

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