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Harry pushed the food around his plate, not feeling particularly hungry. Now that the crisis was over, he had too much time to think about other things and he didn't like it.

They were all piled into the Weasley's kitchen eating a very late breakfast and it just felt wrong to be here. He hadn't felt like such a horrible imposter since before Draco had found out his real identity. Draco, Blaise and Neville were doing their best to keep the attention off of him. Harry recognized what they were doing and appreciated it, but still couldn't seem to bring himself to just relax and go with things.

"Dustin," Molly admonished. "Why aren't you eating?"

Harry glanced up at her. "Just tired still, I guess," he said quietly. He pushed away from the table and stood up. "Excuse me."

So much for not bringing attention to himself, he thought miserably as he ignored all the protests and slipped upstairs again. Lying on his bed in Ron's room, he heard Draco come in a few minutes later and cast a silencing spell on the room.

"You're going to make everyone suspicious if you keep acting this way," Draco drawled as he sat down on the bed beside Harry.

"What'd you tell them?" Harry asked, rolling onto his back to look up at Draco.

Draco snorted. "I didn't tell them anything. Granger lit into everyone, going off about you having a right to be tired and stressed out after everything you did yesterday."

"You don't think she suspects anything, do you?" Harry asked worriedly.

Draco shook his head. "I don't think so. When I left she was muttering about boys being insensitive jerks," he said wryly. Then he glared at Harry. "But if you don't snap out of this, then she will start suspecting something."

Harry rolled to his side again, facing away from Draco. "I want to go back to Hogwarts," he said softly. "I don't want to be here. I hate it here."

Draco sighed. "No, you don't. I'm the one who hates being here."

"Of course you hate being here at the Weasleys," Harry muttered. "You've always hated them."

"I've been keeping myself in check," Draco retorted.

"I know you have," Harry sighed.

Draco sat back against the headboard and tugged at Harry's shoulder until Harry rested his head in his lap. Draco ran his fingers through Harry's hair, both of them remaining quiet for several minutes. "You know, I do find it quite interesting to have slept in your bed last night," Draco drawled.

Harry was startled into light laughter and turned his head to look up at Draco. "At least you found something good about being here."

"Is this really your bed?" Draco asked softly.

Harry sighed, turning away again. "One of them, I suppose. It's funny because I have a bed here, at Grimmauld Place, at the Dursley's, at Hogwarts, and now at my father's. I heard someone say they've still left my bed up in the Gryffindor dorm, too. Six beds. You tell me where I really belong, because I'm not sure anymore," he said bitterly.

"With the exception of the Dursley's, you belong at all those places," Draco said.

Harry sighed again. "I miss Sirius," he said softly. "I hated being back at Grimmauld Place yesterday. I hate being here, because I hate that I'm lying to all of them."

They remained there talking for another hour until Harry pulled himself together, eventually making their way back to Hogwarts.


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