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Harry came into his father's sitting room and flopped down on the sofa, relaxing.

"You know," he stated, "I think I may be doing better now that I'm not afraid of being kidnapped, tortured and killed at any moment." He gave a wry chuckle. "It's amazing the difference that makes. I know I've got more going on this year than I ever have before, but I don't have the weight of Harry Potter and his fame hanging over me."

Severus looked at him and was forced to agree. His son seemed to be thriving this year. His every movement seemed to speak volumes of his confidence, power and abilities. Severus had been correct before when he had told Harry that when he spoke, people sat up and listened. Harry was open and friendly with people, but woe becomes anyone who got on his bad side.

Not only was Harry a force to be reckoned with, but he had also become a leader in Slytherin house beside Draco, and was quickly gathering a following throughout the entire school.

And the fact that Draco was now Harry's boyfriend was mind boggling to Severus. The two boys had been rivals for the last five years and now they were in a relationship together? It just didn't seem possible. But, for whatever reason, Draco did seem to be able to ground Harry like no one or nothing else could. Harry was always more relaxed in Draco's presence, no matter what he was doing or what was going on. Draco seemed to help Harry's self worth in a way that Severus could not.

But Severus could admit now that he himself had been helping Harry more than he had realized at first. Severus helped Harry gain confidence in himself and his abilities, and Harry was actually thriving. Severus was still providing many hours of extra tutoring, and Harry soaked up whatever skills and knowledge that Severus was willing to bestow upon him.

Somehow Harry had even regained his friendships with Ron and Hermione that he had thought he would be losing this year. Severus knew that it wasn't the same for Harry, but the friendships were there and he could still laugh and talk with them on a regular basis.

The more Severus thought about what Harry had said, the more he had to wonder if the threat of being 'Harry Potter' was what was actually making the difference in Harry's life. Harry now had a father, a boyfriend and friends who loved him. Somehow, Severus knew that that was what was making the true difference in Harry's attitude.

"Harry, come here," Severus said, holding out his arms, indicating that Harry should come sit on his lap. Harry came readily and snuggled up to his father. Severus wrapped his arms around Harry and held him tight.

"I don't think it would matter much now if your name was Harry Potter or Dustin Snape. Even as Dustin Snape, you have too much going on that a sixteen year old boy should ever have to deal with." He lifted Harry's chin so he could look into Harry's eyes. "Harry, you have people behind you, no matter what your name is. I love you, Draco loves you and your friends love you. I think you would be doing better now even if you had 'Harry Potter's' responsibilities and fame crash back down on you tomorrow."

Harry swallowed audibly and his eyes shown with tears. "I love you too, Father." He buried his face in Severus' robes.

Severus rubbed Harry's back to soothe him. "You do realize that you still have 'Harry Potter' hanging over your head, don't you? The only real difference is that the threats are hidden from almost everyone else. You are actually still dealing with it all. You are just handling it better now because you finally have people in your life who love you for who you really are."

Harry nodded into Severus' chest but didn't say anything.

Severus thought about it. "Actually, you have added more weight to your shoulders, considering that you are now bearing the responsibilities of Dustin Snape as well as Harry Potter. Although, being Dustin Snape may tend to make you more infamous rather than famous," he said wryly.

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