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I would like to make sure that everyone is acknowledged that this story is not mine. Note: This story belongs to Vorabiza, this is just a repost. 

I can't believe my life has come down to this. Once again, Harry was back at the Dursley's house. Just lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and trying to figure out his life. I put my friends in danger and got Sirius killed by my stupidity. I suppose I deserve to be stuck back here again.

He was angry. Not quite as angry as he had been in Dumbledore's office maybe, but still so angry that he was looking for some kind of solution. He figured there had to be something that he could do. He might not be able to bring Sirius back, but there sure as hell had to be some way to protect his friends. He'd put them into enough danger over the years, and leading them into the Department of Mysteries was the final straw. He just couldn't afford to make another mistake as deadly as that one.

Harry may have been guilt ridden, but he wasn't quite as foolish as everyone seemed to think. He knew he'd made plenty of mistakes, but he'd done a lot of thinking over the last couple of weeks. He'd finally come to the conclusion that he'd played a major role in that disastrous rescue mission, but the ultimate responsibility lay with Voldemort.

Now that the prophecy had been revealed to him, Harry was finally realizing just how personal things really were between him and Voldemort. Voldemort had killed his parents, Cedric and now Sirius. He'd tried to kill Arthur Weasley as well this past year. Voldemort was slowly trying to take everything away from Harry, and Harry was well and truly furious at this point.

One of the conclusions he'd come to was that not only had Voldemort taken away his childhood, he'd already pretty much taken away his teenage years as well. Normal teenagers should be dealing with overprotective parents, worrying about boyfriends and girlfriends, focusing on studies and spending time with friends. They shouldn't be dealing with psychotic Death Eaters and their madman of a leader.

Harry realized that it was time for some major changes in his life. He was getting damn tired of being ruled by everyone else. Because of Voldemort, he was forced to live with the Dursleys, he constantly had to watch his back, and he and his friends were always in imminent danger.

As he thought about it, he realized that he was just as much ruled by the "light" side and the rest of the Wizarding world. Over the years, he had been letting the Golden Boy image rule him, and there were plenty of expectations that he knew he was supposed to live up to.

He was more than willing, at this point, to take on the responsibility that he would have to be the one to destroy Voldemort somehow. However, he wasn't willing to do it under the guise of the Golden Boy image any longer. If he was going to have to take on Voldemort, he was going to do it on his terms—not on Voldemort's terms or anyone else's.

Harry was ready for some teenage rebellion.


With his new resolve, Harry set out the next day to make some changes. After spending some time thinking about his plan for a new image, he decided that the best place to start would be a trip to London. The warnings given to the Dursleys at the train station were making things pretty easy for him. They seemed to have taken heed of the warnings and were leaving Harry alone.

Unfortunately, he was sure that still left him with people from the Order watching him. The question was how to get to London without letting them realize. He'd also have to get to Gringott's for some money before he could head out to Muggle London. He finally decided to take his chances with his invisibility cloak and just hope that Moody wasn't one of the ones watching him that day.

It seemed that luck was with him for a change, and the invisibility cloak was a success. He'd managed to get away from the house, catch a bus to London and even managed to get to Gringotts and back out of the Leaky Cauldron without anyone recognizing him. Now he was on his own with a pocketful of money, with only the decision left of where to start spending it.

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