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"Good morning, Father," Harry said as he walked into Severus' sitting room the next morning.

Severus lifted an eyebrow. "Good morning. I admit that I did not expect to see you so early," he said as he watched Harry gingerly take a seat on the couch.

"Why? Because you know the Slytherins had a little party in the common room last night? Or should I say, the party that you supposedly knew nothing about." Harry quirked a small, slightly pained, lopsided smile.

Severus's lips twitched, but he simply gestured to the side table beside the couch.

Harry's eyes widened in surprise before he snatched up the vial and drank down the contents. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Ah, much better."

Severus finally released a low chuckle. "Were you that desperate for a hangover potion this morning?"

Harry sent him a weak glare. "Actually, I thought I was doing pretty good, considering. I didn't dare drink too much because I didn't want to accidentally give away my real identity. Although I did drink more than a glass or two of scotch last night," he admitted.

Severus gazed at Harry with a touch of curiosity as well as concern. "How well are you actually getting along with the Slytherins? You appear to be making friends and doing well so far."

Harry stared down at the floor for a few moments, and fought the temptation to bite his lip nervously. It was a habit of Harry Potter's that he'd been working hard to break, since it would be another clue as to who he really was. He looked up at Severus through his fringe.

"Draco is my boyfriend now," Harry said, the words blunt despite his voice being barely above a whisper. He wasn't entirely sure how his father was going to take this news. Becoming friends with Draco had been in the plans. Becoming more than friends had not been a part of any plans.

Simply put, Harry wanted Draco. The boy was sexy as sin and Harry was enjoying being around him. There was just the 'small detail' of Draco not knowing that Dustin Snape was really Harry Potter.

"You cannot possibly be serious," Severus sneered at Harry.

Harry winced slightly. "I am serious. We kissed last night and we're together now."

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose as he attempted to process this news. "Harry, this is not some type of revenge on your part, is it?"

Harry shook his head vehemently. "Oh no! That's not it at all!" Harry hastened to explain. "I know that would make sense with the way things have always gone between me and Draco, but I've pretty much left the rivalries in the past. You know that."

Severus nodded once. "Yes. However, it seemed prudent to ask. You do have quite a history with Draco. I have been under the impression that you've been doing well becoming friends with him this last week. It was not my understanding that you would allow it to go further than that."

Harry lowered his gaze to the floor again and sighed heavily. "I like him, Father. I never expected to truly like him, but it feels so right when I'm with him. I know it sounds odd."

"You do realize that he will likely want to kill you when he finds out?" Severus asked evenly.

Ironically, Harry seemed to regain a bit of his confidence from that reminder. "I know that. Now the question is—how exactly would that be different from how he normally feels about me?" he asked dryly.

Severus snorted in amusement. Harry grinned at his father.

"I really do like him. I never would have had a chance to get to know him as Harry Potter. This is probably the only opportunity I'll ever have with him and I'm going to take it. I know it's selfish of me and I don't particularly like deceiving him this way, but I want to be with him anyway."

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