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"Dustin, wake up!"

Harry blearily cracked his eyes open at the sound of the urgent voice. "Blaise, what the fuck do you want?" He felt like death warmed over and certainly didn't feel like facing Blaise's cheerfulness. Although, after attempting to focus, he realized Blaise was looking anxious, not cheerful.

"Your father wants you this morning," Blaise said, his voice as anxious as his expression.

"Fuck my father," Harry mumbled, snuggling up closer to Draco and trying to ignore the pounding in his head.

"Dustin!" Blaise said urgently. "He sent me an owl and I'm supposed to have your arse down to the Entrance Hall within the next thirty minutes. Draco, too," he added.

Harry cracked his eyes open again. "Why'd he owl you?"

"I don't know," Blaise said, his brow furrowed in confusion. "I swear, it's like he knew I was actually awake."

Harry could solve that part of the mystery. His father had the Marauder's Map and could've easily seen Blaise moving around. But now the question was why Blaise was awake in the first place. "Why are you up?"

"I had an alarm set," Blaise admitted. "Another reason for me not drinking last night. I felt kind of responsible for making sure everyone's okay this morning and gets back to their dorms."

Harry glanced at Neville, who was standing next to Blaise, smiling proudly at his boyfriend.

"Gods, Draco's right," Harry muttered. "You would make a bloody decent Gryffindor."

Blaise and Neville were startled into laughter and Harry groaned, clutching at his head. They quieted down almost instantly, but Blaise still sounded amused when he spoke. "You have something against Gryffindors?"

"At the moment, yes," Harry said irritably. "Go 'way."

"Angel, shut up and lie still," came Draco's voice, husky with sleep but already sounding extremely irritated.

"They're bugging me," Harry whimpered. "It's not my fault."

"Who?" Draco asked, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Bloody Gryffindor wannabe," Harry retorted, waking up a little despite himself.

"What the fuck does Blaise want?" Draco snapped.

Harry mustered up enough energy to smirk at Blaise, who was looking like he wasn't sure if he should be amused or indignant that Draco had known, without even looking, who Harry was referring to.

"Told you," Harry sneered, still unhappy with being woken up.

"You turn mean like Draco when you have a hangover," Blaise said, electing to pout.

"Then leave me alone," Harry retorted.

Blaise's expression turned anxious again. "I can't. Snape will have my hide if I don't get you two down to the Entrance Hall."

"What the fuck?" Draco asked, finally cracking his eyes open.

Blaise explained to Draco what he'd already told Harry. "I've now got about twenty minutes to get you two dressed and down to the Entrance Hall."

"Why?" Harry asked, back to the whinging again.

"I still don't know," Blaise said in exasperation.

"It sounds important, Dustin," Neville spoke up quietly. "It sounds like you're going somewhere."

Harry frowned and sat up finally, groaning as he did so. Neville handed him the note Severus had sent. Harry read it and paled even more than he already was. "Oh, fuck," he breathed.

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