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The next couple of weeks were just as busy as the previous two weeks had been. Harry continued to study and train hard. He was beginning to think he had learned more in the last month than he had in the previous five years. Maybe it was just because he was learning so much more advanced material now.

He'd learned to Apparate, for one. He had been more of a nervous wreck during that training than he had been about any of the duels he'd participated in with his father. There was just something about the idea of possible splinching that had held Harry back for quite a while. The thought of splinching still made him shiver, but he was now confident in his ability to Apparate.

During their spell training time, Severus always had Harry duel him for a while. Severus might be recognized as his father now, but Harry had quickly learned that it didn't mean he was going to go easy on Harry. He always felt battered after a duel with his father, but he was improving drastically.

Harry had begun his Animagus training and it was going well enough, but he still did not know what kind of animal he would transform into. Severus had never bothered to learn it before and was actually going through this training with Harry.

Harry could now brew almost every single potion that Severus taught at Hogwarts. Considering that he was getting one on one instruction from the Potions Master himself, it wasn't particularly surprising. What was surprising was that Harry actually seemed to have more of a knack for it than they had first thought.

Harry even developed a simple potion on his own that would help protect hair from the potion fumes. He liked his new shiny black hair, and he was damned if he wanted it all greasy like Severus' always was. Severus tested it for him, and so far it seemed to be working wonderfully. It was certainly amazing the difference it made in his father's appearance.

Harry had asked why his father hadn't bothered to do something like this before. Severus had just said that he'd never really had much of a reason to care before. Even when he'd been with Lily, it had all been a secret. Changing his appearance would have been a clue that something was up.

Personally, Harry seemed to think that some of the charms protecting his own appearance all these years may have been inhibiting skills he'd inherited from his father. They had discussed it at length, and Severus seemed to agree. Harry was certainly picking up on the information a lot quicker and he was retaining it now.

In fact, his memory seemed to be better all the way around now. Harry might have gained an affinity for potions like his father, but he was also able to retain more from all his other studies as well. Studying had been necessary before, but now it was almost a pleasure as well. It was much more enjoyable when you could remember all of the information.

After the time spent flying on his birthday, Harry made sure that he now spent time flying again every day. He had access to his own personal pitch. Training or not, he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by anymore. Flying was relaxing for him, but even there he used the time to practice new skills.

They continued their talks each night. As father and son they were enjoying the time spent together even more than they had before. Previously, it had mainly been about relaxing and companionship. Now it was family time, which made it more special. They both enjoyed the intelligent conversation.

Severus still had periodic meetings with Dumbledore, and he had come back from one such meeting with some important information.

"Lucius Malfoy is now a spy like you?"

"Yes," Severus said dryly. "Albus just informed me of this. From what I gather, Albus has been working with Lucius for the last several weeks, as it seems that Lucius was not actually happy with the Dark Lord's return last year. He wants out, but hasn't known how to get out. Obviously, he does not know that I am a spy."

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