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"Neville?!" Draco exclaimed incredulously. "As in Neville Longbottom?"

Harry sighed. "Yes, Blaise fancies Neville."

"That's almost as bad as –." Draco stopped abruptly, realizing what he'd been about to say.

Harry glared at him. "Yes, fancying Neville is almost as bad as loving Harry Potter, isn't it?" he spat sarcastically.

"Angel," Draco began.

"You know, it's a damn good thing you decided to call me Angel, or you would've given me away a long time ago," Harry snapped. "I just find it a little worrisome sometimes when you seem to act like we're two totally different people."

"I know who you are," Draco retorted.

"Do you?" Harry asked, eyes narrowed. "Sometimes I wonder."

"What do you expect?" Draco snapped. "It's a lot easier not to break your cover if I continue to act like you really are two different people. I have to spend the majority of the day acting that way. Is it really my fault if that carries over into the privacy of our room?"

Harry's anger evaporated and he collapsed back onto the couch. "I'm sorry. You're right," he said tiredly. "Hell, I have no right to complain anyway, since I swear sometimes even I'm beginning to lose track of who I am at this point. Only Father and Lucius ever call me 'Harry' and that's only in Father's rooms."

Harry shook his head, not wanting to think about it. "Anyway, we were talking about Blaise and Neville."

Draco collapsed onto the other end of the couch, his face twisted in a grimace. "Blaise really fancies Longbottom?" he asked, sounding hopeful that it wasn't true.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Come off it, Draco. This is why Blaise didn't want to tell you. He didn't want to listen to you freak out about it and then start teasing him unmercifully."

"I wouldn't do that," Draco protested.

Harry snorted disbelievingly. "Yeah, you would."

Draco smirked. "Okay, so maybe I'd tease him a little," he admitted.

"Draco, please don't make me regret telling you," Harry begged.

"But this is Longbottom," Draco protested. "How can I not tease Blaise?"

"Blaise is your friend," Harry snapped. "And both of them are my friends. If there's a chance that they can make each other happy, then I'm all for it."

"But, Angel," Draco whinged.

"No, Draco. You're just going to have to play nice," Harry said firmly.

"I don't know how to play nice," Draco pouted.

Harry started laughing. "You know how to play nice with me."

Draco raked his eyes over Harry's body sprawled on the couch. "Yes, but I don't think you want me playing with everyone else that way."

Harry narrowed his eyes dangerously. "You better not even think of playing with anyone else that way."

Draco smirked at him, even as he quirked an eyebrow in surprise. "Oooh, so you can get jealous."

"I'm just stating the fact that you're mine," Harry said.

"And everyone thinks that I'm the one who is possessive," Draco retorted.

"That's because you are," Harry said dryly.

"You have a problem with that?"

Harry smiled at him. "Actually, no, I don't. It feels kind of nice belonging to you."

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