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Priyanka: hurry up Nick! Your brothers are waiting for you outside

Nick: yeah yeah, I'm going (I grabbed my jacket and peaked her lips) I'll be back later, see you

Priyanka: see you baby, I love you

Nick: me too (she smiled and I left the house to get into Joe's car) morning

They: morning

Joe: how are you?

Nick: fine I guess...what bout you?

Joe: very good

Kevin: perfect...so, you haven't spoken to her yet?

Nick: ummm no...not yet

Joe: you will soon, don't worry

Nick: can we please change the subject? It kinda hurts

Kevin: the girls are visting us on tour this time...Dani will take them to Europe, I'm excited

Joe: that's awesome, I'm excited too

Nick: I love them (I tried to keep myself happy but it ended in the interview we had that day)

Interviewer: and so guys, some days ago you made a cover of "Someone you loved", what inspired you to choose that song?

Kevin: I think we just liked the lyrics and the music

Interviewer: I know you all are married but...did that lyrics make you think about some old love? (Joe looked at me and I just shook my head no)

Joe: we keep that to ourselves I think

Interviewer: what about you Nick? Were you thinking about a certain someone?

Joe: we ALL save that to ours-

Nick: I was...it wasn't like a lover...just someone who I really cares about...not in a romantic way tho (I shrugged)

Interviewer: do we know her?

Kevin: look at the time...time to some music

Interviewer: we'll go there later...Nick?

Nick: you don't care if you know her, it's none of anybody's business...just mine and hers (I said angrily and Joe touched my arm) sorry, I'm having a bad day...I have headache, I'm gonna leave, I love you all guys...I'll be back (I said to the microphone of the radio and left. I sat on Joe's car and put on some music. As I was thinking, there it was "Someone you loved")

I can't do this anymore, I know you can hear me when I think about you....fuck Demi, why did you have to leave? Why did I have to let you go? I need you. Just you.

Suddenly, listening to that beautiful hurtful song, I could finally cry...I was trying to cry for weeks and I couldn't, I needed it. I needed to let everything out of me. The anguish was killing me...but to be honest, I don't think I felt better after crying. I was empty now.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now