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DEMI P.O.V.: we were eating the dinner when Maisei touched my arm.

Maisei: one of us has to talk, I'm terrible at this so...would you?

Demi: oh, yeah yeah...I'll do it, don't worry (I stood up and they handled me a mic) umm hello everyone, some of you may now me and some of you not, I'm Demi. I've been in Joe's life since he was 17 so that makes more than 10 years now. I met Sophie just a couple months ago but we've been together through some things that made us closer than with other friends of mine. When Joe first told me he was dating a new girl two years ago, I laughed and told him "another one" at which he told me "she's not another one", I have to be honest, I didn't believe it (everyone laughed) but, through the months I started to see him more committed everyday to her. Whenever we would hang out, he would talk about her and how fabulous she is. As his best friend I want to say that this made me a little jealous because knowing Joe, I knew he'd change his attitude towards me cause their girls never likes me....so it totally surprised me when he kept talking about her every time and he was still the same, or that's what I thought. Then, all of a sudden, one day I woke up to the news that they were engaged, I freaked out. I was happy for them even tho I only saw Sophie once. I had a lot of issues that year and I'm really grateful with them, Joe for staying by my side and Sophie for being his rock when he needed someone. I finally got the chance to meet her properly this year and I swear tp God, that's one of the best things I've done this year. I think that, what makes them special to me is that Joe, he's like the coolest human being, he always make you laugh when you need it, he's always gonna be a good friend for you no matter what and Sophie, man, this girl is honestly and angel, she's funny, she's kind, she's everything everyone would want...so the both of you must be honored to be eavh other's partner cause you're amazingly weird, it's not like it's easy to find people like you. So congratulations guys, I couldn't be more happy of seeing you guys starting your life together as Mr. and Mrs. Jonas, you're made for each other. I love you both, no matter what. (They looked at me crying and I ran to hug them)

Sophie: I love you boo, I really do

Joe: me too kiddo, thank you for being here still on my side

Demi: I'll always stay here

After the sweet moment, the party started and suddenly, Wilmer walked to me.

Wilmer: you look very beautiful tonight

Demi: umm, thanks, you think so?

Wilmer: yea (he grabbed my hand) wanna dance a little?

Demi: didn't your girlfriend come?

Wilmer: she couldn't, she's working

Demi: oh...I'm not in a mood for a dance, sorry

Wilmer: okay, then I'm just gonna stay here until you are in the mood (I smiled)

Demi: okay, let's go (he smiled at me and we walked to the dance floor)

We danced some time together until the horrible slow music came. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his body.

Demi: umm, Wil...I'm gonna go to the bathroom

Wilmer: now?

Demi: yea (I was walking to the bathroom when he pushed me to a wall slowly and started kissing my neck again) Wilmer...Wil...stop

Wilmer: come on...you know you miss me as much as I do (I closed my eyes and prayed for someone to come)

Demi: Wilmer, let me go...I don't want this, I'm not into you anymore

Wilmer: liar (he said and started to try to kiss me)

Demi: Wilmer, stop!

Nick: the hell are you doing again? (Wilmer looked at him)

Wilmer: oh look, he's here...again, to save you

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now