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NICK P.O.V.: we were all having breakfast in the cafeteria of the hotel when Demi and Sophie arrived both with smiley faces.

Demi: good morning everyone

Everyone: good morning

Joe: hey love, when did you leave the bedroom? (Sophie smiled)

Sophie: umm, some minutes before you woke up

Joe: and where did you go? (She looked at Demi and Demi nodded)

Demi: I called her cause I needed someone to talk to about some...stuff (she shrugged)

Joe: oh, are you okay kiddo?

Demi: yea, neglect (Joe smiled and everyone went back to their conversations)

Joe: has anyone seen Wilmer?

Priyanka: no

Kevin: me neither

Demi: he left this morning to Italy (I looked at her)

Joe: oh really? He didn't tell me he was leaving

Demi: it was a last moment thing, he told me when I woke up

Sophie: when was that? I didn't see him leaving

Demi: he left before you arrived to the bedroom

Joe: Nick told me that you guys had something like a fight last night, is that true?

Demi: umm, yea but we talked later and now...everything is fine again (she shrugged)

I can't believe it.

We all continued talking about some random things...well, they continued because I never talked again after that. Once we finished the breakfast we all went to a yatch where we were going to stay all day and then Sophie and Joe will left to their honeymoon.

The weather was sunny and hot so given that we had a pool in there, Dani, Maisei and Priyanka wore their bikinis and sat under the sun.

I entered to the kitchen looking for somethig to drink when I heard two female voices talking near me, so I stayed and listened to them.

Sophie: so...that really happened?

Demi: yea, it was...amazing, really

Sophie: sounds great but I don't think I could ever

Demi: I know right? It was so huge...everything

Sophie: auch

Demi: don't worry, I kinda used to it...

Sophie: I've never experienced something like that, I think I would be...in shock

Demi: I was too when I saw that thing (they laughed) are you gonna swim?

Sophie: maybe...you?

Demi: I don't think so, my legs hurt from last night

Sophie: oh got it...I do know how that feels

Demi: yea

Joe: Soph, come here, I wanna show you something

Sophie: okay, I'll be back

Demi: go ahead (I heard footsteps closer to the kitchen and then, she entered) oh hi

Nick: hello (I drank some champagne)

Demi: how are you?

Nick: fine, thanks

Demi: I saw you leaving the wedding yesterday...is everything okay with Priyanka?

Nick: yes, as it should be (she nodded)

Demi: you want some? (She handled me some fries)

Nick: no (I started walking out of the kitchen)

Demi: Nick...why aren't you looking at me?

Nick: maybe I'm tired of having your back just for you to run behind him every time

Demi: who?

Nick: Wilmer

Demi: I didn't ran behind him

Nick: oh really and tell me then...how on earth you ended up having sex last night if you didn't?

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now