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June, 5th. Wednesday.

DEMI P.O.V.: I was in the car listening to the radio as I drove.

"We can't get over the fact that the Jonas Brothers released their documentary two days ago, it's worth in gold, we recommend you all to watch it...here is...Cool"

Their song started playing ans I changed the radio station. I kept listening to some bored shit my mom would like until I arrived to the house, I walked to the porch with a bunch of cupcakes in a box and rang the doorbell. Two or three minutes and she opened.

X: Demi! You're here...I'm glad you came (she hugged me and grabbed the cupcakes' box while we entered)

Demi: thanks for the invitation

X: thank you for coming boo

X: oh yeah..thank you for coming kiddo (I turned around on my feet and saw him)

Demi: hey

X: hey...not even a hug to your most absolutely beautiful best friend in the world? (I smiled and hugged him)

Demi: I missed you Jonas

Joe: me too, I wouldn't have missed you if you didn't disappear like you did

Demi: sorry...you know what happened and-

Sophie: it's okay, let's not talk about it (I nodded and we heard the doorbell rang) I'll go! (She ran to the door and opened to Danielle)

Danielle: thank you for taking care of them, the both of you a- Demi! Hi beauty (she walked to me and hugged me tightly)

Demi: hi Dani...how are you?

Dani: I'm fine and you?

Demi: (no) me too (she smiled to me and the girls entered running to Joe)

Alena: hi uncle Joe (he hugged them)

Joe: hello girls, this is Demi...do you remember her? (Valentina shook her head no and Alena nodded)

Alena: she was with uncle Nick in the hospital when Frankie was there (I nodded at her and she hugged me. I laughed and then Valentina did the same, I was surprised but I hugged them both)

Demi: hello gurls, it's ao good to see you again

Alena: yea...aunty Sophie! (They ran to her and Sophie turned around after closing the door leaving just the 5 of us in the house)

Sophie: babys! (She sat on the floor and they all laughed)

Joe: I'm gonna start cooking (he started to walk to the kitchen and I went there with him) how have you been?

Demi: not so good, you know (I shrugged and he nodded)

Joe: I'm sorry for everything that happened Dems

Demi: don't be...it's okay, some things have to happen (he nodded slightly and I had the urge to go to the toilet) I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back

Joe: kay, go ahead

I entered into the bathroom and did my things. When I finished I heard the doorbell rang...probably Dani and Kev forgot something

I walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen but froze before entering.

Joe: hey ya

X: hey dude

Damn Sophie I'm gonna kill you.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now