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NICK P.O.V.: I looked at Demi in the pool and it killed me...she was there under the water but when she came out, her nipples where hard. I smiled and she saw me.

Priyanka: what are you looking at? (She looked on Demi's direction and groaned) really? Here too?

Nick: what?

Priyanka: Nick...I'm tired of you always looking at her...even when I'm with you...why don't you date her and stop with this fucking shit? (She said a little too loud and walked into the yatch leaving everyone staring at me)

Nick: sorry (I walked behind her and found her crying in the kitchen) Pri...

Priyanka: don't say a word! I'm tired of this. I love you and all you do is look at her like she was the only woman on earth...why did you marry me? When you clearly are so into her

Nick: I'm not into Demi, she's my best friend, I always look at her because I want to make sure that she's okay...I love you...just you Priyanka (I walked to her but she pushed me away)

Priyanka: no, I don't believe you anymore

Nick: you don't love me then

Priyanka: believe me...I do love you but I don't see you happy with me and it's breaking me to know this (she walked to a room and locked herself in)

I started panicking, not because I love her that much but because we CAN'T split up. We need to be together, we're married.

I tried to think about something and went to talk with Demi, she was talking with Danielle next to the pool.

Nick: Dani, sorry (I grabbed her arm and walked into the kitchen with Demi)

Demi: what happens?

Nick: Priyanka...you have to talk to her...please

Demi: what? (She asked me with a smile on her face)

Nick: yes, please, go there and tell her that we're nothing, that you don't like me and I don't like you, that we're like brother and sister...Demi, I can't divorce...I'm not like that

Demi: you relly want me to tell her that? (She asked with angry eyes)

Nick: please (I whispered and she nodded)

Demi: don't worry, I'll go (she walked to the bedroom and knocked on the door three times)

Priyanka: Nick leave me alone!

Demi: it's me, Demi

Priyanka: what do you want here?

Demi: can we talk? It's...important...please?

Priyanka: no

Demi: just some seconds, I promise (we waited some seconds until we heard footsteps and I walked out of there hearing the door opening and closing again)

Everything is gonna be alright.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now