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DEMI P.O.V.: scrolling onto Instagram, I saw some publicity about the new cover of the Jonas Brothers. "Someone you loved"

It's okay to listen to it, nobody will ever know.

I swiped into the story and suddenly I was on Youtube. The song started and I smiled at Joe singing, it's one of my favorite songs so it's great to hear then sing it.

The second part started and Nick started singing. No, it's not for you, he was just singing an innocent song.

But I mean, did you see his face? His voice? The way he felt the lyrics? I miss him, shit.

I miss you Nick, I promise I've never missed anyone like I miss you now. I should tell you, I know but...I can't, I'm too proud to do it. I need your apologize, just to know that you care about me.

Sirah: Demi, you okay? (She asked taking the headphones out my ears)

Demi: yeah yeah, why? (I said turning down my phone so she couldn't see the video)

Sirah: what are you watching? You little dirty girl

Demi: (I laughed) nothing of that, just...listening to some music

Matthew: really? Some music? Let me see (he grabbed my phone from my hand and I froze) oh, I see...good music Demetria

Sirah: what is it? (Matthew showed her the screen and she looked worried at me) Demi...

Demi: don't start, okay? I'm fine guys, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal...I was just listening to the song because I like it (I shrugged)

Sirah: did it have to be their cover?

Demi: I like their sound, nothing more

Matthew: nothing more? Demi, I see you...we see you, we know you...you can tell us the truth

Demi: that was the truth

Sirah: it wasn't...just tell us, we won't criticize you

Demi: I don't know what to tell you guys? I'm being hon- I miss him (I whispered)

Matthew: it's okay Demi, we get it...it's okay to miss him, he was your best friend some months ago and all your life, basically

Sirah: yeah, we are here...you can cry if you have to

Demi: I won't, I can't cry...I've been trying to do it for almost a whole month and tears just don't fall from my eyes

Sirah: sissy, why don't you look for him?

Demi: cause it's too late, I lost him

Matthew: it's never too late if you're still alive

Demi: I can't go after him, he should come after me

Sirah: do you think he ever will?

Demi: I don't know

Matthew: what if he never comes after you?

Demi: then, I'll just take a step away

Sirah: so, you'll really lose him for your pride? He needs you and you need him fuck!

Demi: I don't want to talk about it, maybe later I'll think about it but I don't think I'll talk to him again...ever

Being killed with a knife would've hurt less than saying and accepting the truth.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now