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NICK P.O.V.: Demi was really sexy, obviously...but I just couldn't stand Wilmer's attitude towards her. He was being a pig and I didn't know how much time more I'd be able to fight the wish of punching his face.

He spent all the dinner doing that kind of jokes about her and Demi wasn't happy, I know her.

Wilmer: you didn't use to wear that types of clothes when we dated

Demi: I know

Wilmer: you should've done it, maybe we'd still be together (I choked on my food and Joe's eyes went wide while Demi just smiled sadly at the window)

Joe: let's eat

Sophie: yeah, the food is so good

Kevin: I think the wine is on po-

Nick: you don't have to be such an asshole (I said angrily looking at Wilmer after I saw Demi holding tears)

Wilmer: what? I'm not

Nick: yes, you are...you have no clue to tell her that kind of things, she obviously doesn't like that so stop

Wilmer: I said nothing (he shrugged)

Nick: you have a girlfriend so use your brain and shut your mouth or I'll have to have a talk with her

Wilmer: stop playing Nick...we're grown people (I pressed my fists under the table and Joe touched my arm)

Joe: it's okay guys, stop it...let's talk about something else and forget this (I looked at Demi and she gave me a 'please' stare so I nodded)

The rest of the dinner was good, a little awkward.

Joe: okay, it's time to leave...girls, have a good night, break the dance floor, be careful, be safe...you all look fucking sexy, love, break it

Sophie: you too baby (they kissed)

Joe: Dems, take care of this one please (she nodded and he kissed her cheek)

Kevin: and of that one (he pointed to Danielle and she hit her arm)

Demi: yea, I will...I'll bring all your girls back here

Wilmer: as long as you come back with them tonight (he laughed and I pressed ny fists again)

Demi: whatever (she walked to me and hugged me to talk to my ear) calm down, I'm okay, I promise

Nick: sorry, he's just a-

Demi: I know, but I'm fine...just forget about it (I nodded and she kissed my cheek) thank you

Nick: it's nothing

Demi: it's a lot

Nick: be careful and safe please, I'll have my phone always with me just in case you need something...call me anytime, okay?

Demi: Nick, don't worry, we'll be fine

Nick: okay (I kissed her forehead and she smiled up at me)

Demi: be safe you too, call me anytime...bye

Nick: bye (they started walking away but I had the urge to tell her) love ya

Demi: (she turned her head back to look at me with a sweet smile on her face) love ya too

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now