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Nick: you won't ever know

Demi: what? Oh please Nick, we're grown people...you knew so damn well which of my songs were about you and which not

Nick: you never wrote a song about me

Demi: come on, don't change the subject, tell me...I won't get mad if none of this songs is about me, I just want to fucking know

Nick: I'm not changing the subject, I just want to know about the sobgs that were for me

Demi: you won't ever know, how about that, huh? (I smiled)

Nick: are we really doing this?

Demi: I don't know, tell me (she crossed her arms)

Nick: okay so, if I tell you...will you tell me?

Demi: I'll think about it

Nick: why?

Demi: cause I can't believe that after all the mess my fans made with ny songs about you, you haven't realized it yet!

Nick: no, don't shout at me

Demi: oh really? I will continue shouting! (I walked closer to her)

Nick: don't you remember what happened the last time that we shouted at each other for a stupid reason?

Demi: what? We've never done that

Nick: don't you remember...one of your last house parties for Sorry Not Sorry?

Demi: wha- oh...yes, I remember

Nick: so?

Demi: it wasn't that serious Nick


I entered into the room where Demi was getting ready to perform some song with her fans.

Marissa: hey you

Nick: hey, how are you? (I kissed her cheek)

Marissa: I'm fine, thanks...Demi's on the bathroom, she doesn't want to get out because she's chatting with someone that we can't know about

Demi: lier! (I heard her shout from into the bathroom)

Marissa: oh God, she's like a teenager when she does this

Kelsey: how about we leave you two here to talk a little...maybe she'll tell you about that certain someone

Nick: umm, I don't-

Marissa: yea, let's go (they left the bedroom and I knocked on the door)

Nick: Dem, they're gone...come out please

Demi: going (I sat on the bed and she got out of there) hi, how are you? (She kissed my cheek)

Nick: I'm fine thanks, and you?

Demi: I'm fine too

Nick: who were you talking with?

Demi: oh, it was no one...they made a big deal about it but it wasn't important

Nick: Demi...

Demi: okay okay, I was talking with some boy...that's all

Nick: which one?

Demi: Nick-

Nick: which one?

Demi: Andre...and Lauren as well, you don't even care so (she shrugged)

Nick: when will you stop playing with them both? That's not right to do

Demi: oh, so now you'll tell me what I can and can't do? You must be fucking kidding me

Nick: I'm not Demi, you're a grown person, you can't keep doing this to them

Demi: they don't mind

Nick: are you sure about it?

Demi: yes, why?

Nick: they don't even know about this, he likes you a lot, she might even have feelings for you cause you used to date...stop it

Demi: I won't stop just because a stupid little boy is telling me to do it

Nick: a stupid little boy? What the fuck?

Demi: you are...look Nick, why don't you leave and go fuck some old woman? That's what you like

Nick: oh yea, I should...I don't know why I came! I just wanted to see my best friend but she's hating on me!

Demi: well, I can't help it when you're like this!

Nick: like how?

Demi: like this! You don't let me live my life Nicholas, I'm a grown woman, you said it! (She said shaking her hands at every word)

Nick: did you drink today?

Demi: you must be fucking kidding me...drinking?! You know so damn well I don't do that anymore! (She shouted at me)

Nick: well I don't even know yoy anymore Demi! We haven't seen each other in so many time!

Demi: and you think that I relapsed? Oh what a good damn friend I have! (I walked closer to her and grabbed her arms)

Nick: you know I don't think that! Can you stop with this?! You're acting like a kid

Demi: can you leave and fuck someone? You need it!

Nick: you don't want me to leave...you know you don't!

Demi: what?!oh please, I don't know why you're here, I didn't even invite you!

Nick: okay, that's all...I'll leave (I walked to the door and she grabbed my hand)

Demi: no wait...sorry, I don't want you to leave

Nick: I told you!

Demi: shut the fuck up! (She hugged me and I threw her to the bed tickling her waist. She started laughing and hitting me with her fists) stop it...please

Nick: never

Demi: come on...I'll kick your ass...Nick! (I stopped and she slapped me softly playing) enough

Nick: yea, enough...I'll see you later

Demi: okay, thanks for coming anyways

Nick: always

End of Flashback

Nick: I'm pretty sure you don't want me to tickle you

Demi: Nick, stop there (she started laughing and grabbed my hands when I placed them in her waist)

Nick: tell me then

Demi: okay okay, I will...but you will too

Nick: kay...do it

Demi: here...write the names and I'll write the names of mines (I nodded)

Nick: I can't believe I have to do this to know someone wrote songs about me

Demi: shut your ass...there's only one condition

Nick: tell me

Demi: we'll both leave and won't read the papers until late night

Nick: what?

Demi: fucking promise me you won't read it

Nick: okay okay. I promise

Demi: nice, I promise too (we both wrote down the names and gave each other the papers) shit, I feel like a fool Nick

Nick: me too

Demi: now, let's head to our houses (I nodded and we both left the studio to go our own ways back home)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now