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DEMI P.O.V.: I left the party and went all my way back home with a fucking stupid smile on my face.

Max: who was it?

Demi: what?

Max: who made you smile like this?

Demi: nobody...I just had a great time

Max: huhu, nice try (he laughed)

Demi: I won't tell you who was but, it was someone

Max: Wilmer? (I shook my head 'no') Joe? (I did the same) well, it wasn't Wilmer, wasn't Joe..was it Nick?

Demi: no (I said hiding a smile)

Max: it was him, I knew it

Demi: what? Why you assume it was him?

Max: because I remember how he always made you smile like this during the Future Now Tour

Demi: oh fine, you won...that was a good tour

My mind went back to the last day of the tour and I couldn't help but smile...and that was the moment when I started realizing. The fukcing true big deal.

Demi: hey umm, Max

Max: yea

Demi: take me to Marissa's house

Max: I thought you didn't talk to her anymore

Demi: I don't (he looked surprised at me)

Max: why you'll go there then?

Demi: it's time to stop with this...I miss my best friend

Max: yea

Demi: and umm, I have to ask her something

Max: about?

Demi: Nick...I want to know some things about myself when he was around me

Max: I can tell you too

Demi: no...don't say anything (I smiled and a couple of minytes later, we arrived to Marissa's house),

Max: do I have to wait for you?

Demi: mmm nah

Max: sure?

Demi: we're best friends...I'll stay here tonight

Max: okay. Call me if you need me to pick you up

Demi: kay, I won't (he smiled at me and I walked to the door feeling anxious)

I knocked 4 times and waited wanting to go back to my house due to the anxiety I was feeling.

Marissa: yea? (She said opening the door and then her smile faded) Demi...what are you doing here?

Demi: I want you back? (I smiled nervously and she looked at me with watery eyes)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now