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NICK P.O.V.: the way that Demi treated Valentina and Alena made my heart warm. She was the sweetest human being.

Sophie: that was wild, don't you think?

Alena: I love it

Joe: it was huge! (We all laughed)

Demi: seems like you enjoyed it

Joe: we did, now...what does this girl want to do? (He asked to Valentina)

Valentina: I want to win a teddy bear

Demi: yey! Let's go (we walked together to the stand)

Alena: I want to play there (she pointed to other stand across the one where we were)

Sophie: why don't we do this? Joe and I play with Alena and you guys with Valentina?

Joe: yeah, that's a good idea

Nick: umm, yea

Demi: yes, go ahead (they walked to the other stand and Valentina looked at me)

Valentina: do it

Nick: what?

Demi: you have to win a teddy bear for her

Nick: oh, do I? (She nodded) okay, we'll do it together

Valentina: okay (we started playing and laughing while Demi was looking and shouting us what to do) yea, we won! (She hugged me with her tiny arms and the girl of the stand gave her the teddy bear and gave me a rose)

Nick: does this come with the bear?

Girl: no, but I thought you'd like to give this to the mother of your daughter (she pointed at Demi, she was my mom's age or so...she didn't know we were Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas)

Nick: umm...yea, thanks (I grabbed the rose and walked to Demi with Valentina taking my hand) for you

Demi: (she smiled at me) really? (I nodded) thank you, it's beautiful (she hugged me and then looked down at Valentina) hey, you did a great job baby girl

Valentina: thank you

Demi: what will be his name?

Valentina: her name...she's Demi

Demi: omg, really?

Valentina: yes, Demi just like you

Demi: oh lord, you're so sweet (she picked her up in her arms and they hugged) 

I juat kept staring at them with a stupid smile on my face. Why am I smiling like this?

JOE P.O.V.: I was watching Alena play her games but then Sophie touched my arm.

Sophie: hey, look at that (she pointed smiling at where my btoher was)

I looked at them and we both smiled. They looked like a fucking couple. A real one. With a child.

Sophie: what are they waiting to start dating? I mean, they need to have children

Joe: his divorce maybe (we laughed)

Sophie: they don't even know how good the world would be with a child with both their genes...

Joe: what the hell are you talking about?

Sophie: oh please, just look at them and tell me I'm not right

And she was right, I didn't even answer cause I kept staring at them, they were buying popcorn now. Demi was still with the little girl in her arms and Nick was in front of them making the teddy bear he won looks like he was alive. They were laughing at him, it was cute but...I saw something in his eyes I've seen before in me and I felt afraid for him...I saw the way he looked at Demi while she was smiling, the smile he had on his face...I was seriously shocked now cause he was married with Priyanka but at the same time...he was in love with Demi.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now