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DEMI P.O.V.: Nick and I walked to the backyard and sat on a couch looking to the party.

Demi: it's huge

Nick: yea

Demi: well...yours was even bigger

Nick: umm, sorry for not inviting you to the wedding...you know how jealous Priyanka can be

Demi: and plus, we weren't talking yet so, it's okay (I shrugged)

Nick: you deserved to be there with me, you're my best friend

Demi: I guess I kinda like that you didn't invite me

Nick: why?

Demi: I didn't want to see you getting married with her, I just...don't like her...something in her, doesn't click for me (he looked at me and smiled) what?

Nick: for a moment I thought you were going to say that you didn't want to see me marrying her cause you liked me or something like that

Demi: (I laughed) you're crazy Nicholas

Nick: I mean, we're best friends, supposedly we are meant to be

Demi: what? (I looked at him and he looked at his cigar)

Nick: don't take anything I'll say tonight to serious cause I've been drinking some things but...yea, best friends are supposed to end together

Demi: yea, maybe

Nick: I guess it didn't work for us (he shrugged)

Demi: maybe it hasn't worked still (I whispered)

Nick: maybe...I don't think you'd like to marry someone like me

Demi: why not?

Nick: I'm diabetic

Demi: I'm an addict Nick, both of us could go down the spiral again so it wouldn't matter to me

Nick: you saying you'd marry me?

Demi: yea, you're not like...different from the other boys just for being diabetic, and plus...I know how to take care of you with the medicines and all that (he smiled)

Nick: yea, you're right...I think we'd be a great couple

Demi: obviously...but sadly you're married already and she's coming on our way

Nick: oh

Demi: I think I'm gonna go in, see ya later

Nick: you're leaving for her?

Demi: you know it (I laughed and walked into the party leaving him with Priyanka outside)

Joe: kiddo, how are you doing?

Demi: fine, this is really a great party

Joe: I saw you were there wuth Nick, what were you talking about?

Demi: nothing important, why?

Joe: nothing, I was just waiting to hear that you're together or something like that (he laughed)

Demi: what?

Joe: I have to go (he left me alone and I looked at the couple outside, she was moving her hands crazily and he was resting his head on his hands so I thought that they were fighting)

Oh Nick, Nick, Nick...I'm a sucker for you hahahaha

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now