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NICK P.O.V.: we kept watching the water of the fountain moves with lights and without talking.

Nick: Demi

Demi: mh?

Nick: are we okay? (She looked at me and nodded)

Demi: why wouldn't we?

Nick: cause we haven't spoke in like years (I said exaggerating and she smiled)

Demi: I know, it was my fault

Nick: it was out fault, I did nothing to continue talking so (I shrugged)

Demi: I needed time to clear my mind and write some music

Nick: how are you doing with that?

Demi: my album is fucking ready (I smiled at her excitement)

Nick: any song...for me? (She hit my arm playfully laughing)

Demi: you're so stupid

Nick: yea, but you didn't answer me

Demi: you'll have to wait to see (she said hiding a smile)

Nick: tell me now and I won't have to wait

Demi: there's no way...I'm not telling tonight (I nodded)

Nick: okay miss sunshine (she looked at me)

Demi: how?

Nick: miss sunshine...like "little miss sunshine"

Demi: oh, got it

Liar, miss sunshine cause she's my sunshine.

Nick: did you eat something?

Demi: yea, a lot...food was delicious

Nick: yea, I have a feeling that you won't mind gaining weight for this dinner (it was a joke but she didn't take it like that)

Demi: you're so stupid (she walked away from me)

Nick: fuck (I walked looking for her and found her on the bathroom door, so I took her hand) Demi...

Demi: what now? Are you here to call me an anorexic or a fat girl? (I looked at her eyes and they were tearing)

Nick: I didn't mean it that way, I swear

Demi: shut up, it's okay...everyone thinks that about me (she said and started crying) I don't even know why I'm wearing this? I feel fat and ugly...I am

Nick: stop it Dem, come here (I grabbed her hand hand walked her to the boys bathroom, it was empty)

Demi: I want to leave this party

Nick: no, no way...you can't leave, I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it that way...you're perfect Demi, I'm not lying, you really are

Demi: nobody thinks that Nick (she said sobbing and I placed my hands on her chin making her look up at me)

Nick: they're clearly blind if they don't see this, just look at you (I pointed at her reflection in the mirror)

Demi: what? I'm ugly, just look at my face...and this? (She said violently grabbing her waist) I hate me, ugh! (She was crying and so I put my hand on hers on her waist)

Nick: nothing you said it's true, you're beautiful Demi, you're sexy, you're talented, intelligent, pretty, you have a heart of gold

Demi: but what everyone sees is my fat ass and horrible legs (I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous was every word she said)

Nick: I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh but you just...you're the most beautiful girl, I know you don't see it but I can, I see it every time you're around me

Demi: you do? (She asked looking at me for the first time and I dried her tears with my thumbs)

Nick: yea, I'm always looking at you, it's weird that you never realized it...I'm way too obvious with my stares

Demi: (she smiled) I'm glad that there's someone that looks at me

Nick: I've always looked at you...it's crazy how I am realizing it now (she nodded and I caressed her cheeks) you're beautiful Demi, never let yourself believe it other way...huh? (I asked her moving my face closer to hers)

Demi: yea (she whispered when we were like two inches apart from each other's lips)

Joe: Nick are you-....here (he punched his other hand while we walked away from each other) fuck, I'm sorry...oh man...God...I'm sorry...shit...guys I really didn't....oh man

Demi: I should probably go home (I nodded and she hugged Joe) bye

Joe: thanks for coming and ummm, sorry

Demi: it's nothing (she smiled nervously and walked to kiss my cheek slowly) bye umm, talk to you later...or tomorrow

Nick: yea, be careful...love you

Demi: mhm, me too (she asked smiling awkwardly and left)

Joe: oh man, Nick, I'm sorry I just didn't know you were here together

Nick: it's okay

Joe: no, it's not...I fucked up

Nick: fucked up what?

Joe: your kiss

Nick: which kiss? We weren't going to kiss (I laughed and left the bathroom)

Oh yea, only God knows how much I wanted that kiss...eventually, it'll happen.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now