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Marissa: really?

Demi: yea (she nodded slowly and we entered to the house) is everything okay? You seem a little sick or something

Marissa: I just...I thought we'll never talk again...ever (she shook her head in disbelief)

Demi: I know, me neither but...I need you

Marissa: you do?

Demi: I want you back in my life Rissa

Marissa: you said you didn't want to see me again the last time we spoke

Demi: it wasn't true...obviously

Marissa: so, what happens?

Demi: I want us to be friends like we were, again

Marissa: I don't know if I can do this

Demi: of course you can, come here

Marissa: what? Why?

Demi: come here

Marissa: Demi...

Demi: Marissa (I hugged her tightly and she started laughing) I told you

Marissa: fine fine...you horrible person, I hate you

Demi: I know, it's okay...I hate me, too

Marissa: how could you be so stupid Demi? You'd be dead now if- (I nodded and she cried a little)

Demi: but I'm not and this is why we have to do this

Marissa: yea, you're right

Demi: I also needed you to refresh my mind like only you can do because...you heard my stories, you saw ny reactions...you've always been here with me

Marissa: which is actually true

Demi: Rissa...do yoy remember the Future Now Tour?

Marissa: yea, I do...why?

Demi: I neeed you to answer me with the whole truth

Marissa: of course (we sat on her couch) tell me

Demi: oh lord, this will be weird for you

Marissa: it's okay Demi

Demi: no, really...you have to not tell anyone about this and don't freak out, I'm just thinking, it's not an affirmation

Marissa: oh come on! Tell me Demi

Demi: (I nodded) during that time, when Nick and I were around each other...how did I look like? Or talk like? I mean-

Marissa: I know what you mean (she smiled) well...where should I start?

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now