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DEMI P.O.V.: apparently I was starting to get sick and I was sad too for reason I didn't know.

A whole week, I kept focusing on my music, the album was almost ready so I was happy...the first song was coming out on July, 24 th and I was so excited even tho I was just June, 14 th.

Sirah: Demi, are you okay?

Demi: yea, must be the fever coming back but I'm not feeling bad

Matthew: will you go to that event of Joe and Sophie?

Demi: I forgot it was today

Sirah: it is

Demi: I should, they're close to me so (I shrugged)

Matthew: what are you going to wear?

Demi: I don't know, I must go home and call my stylists and let them work on me...they said it was formal...so maybe a suit or something like that

Sirah: oh I like that

Matthew: not a dress?

Demi: I'm not a dresses girl

Sirah: you look good in whatever you wear so just go for it

Demi: you'll go to my house with me and help me find a great outfit...okay? (They nodded) let's go, then...it's getting late

We drove from Matthew's to mine and called the stylists. I was excited to change into something formal again since last year probably. This was going to be a good party night, I knew it.

Sirah: are you ready? Can we see you?

Demi: just a second (I put on my perfume and walked to my bedroom where my friends and the mirror was) here I am

Matthew: oh my God, you're a queen

Demi: thank you boy...Sirah?

Sirah: I liked the suit more (she started laughing) I'm kidding, you look amazingly beautiful...he'll fall for you

Demi: what? Who?

Sirah: oh, I don't know...everyone will (Matthew looked at his phone and whispered something I heard)

Matthew: fucking Nemi, bitches

Demi: oh, I got it...he's married fools

Sirah: and? Everyone gets divorced these days

Demi: whatever, I'm not even interested in him so (I shrugged) well, I'm gonna go, I don't wanna be late

Matthew: good luck angel (they hugged me)

Sirah: eat a lot...both, food and human parts (we laughed)

Demi: hopefully, I will (I shouted while leaving my house)

Max drove me to the place of the event.

Max: you'll enter now?

Demi: mhm, they're probably starting to eat

Max: late as always Demi, late as always (we laughed and he walked me to the door of the place)

I entered and he left, my eyes traveled the room wanting to find a familiar face an there he was.

X: Demi, hi! Long time no see

Demi: Wilmer...hello (I hugged him and he looked at me from head to toe)

Wilmer: you look awesome girl...very very beautiful

Demi: thank you, you look handsome too

Wilmer: well, I am (we laughed)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now