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DEMI P.O.V.: June 4th, I looked at the time in the bedside table's clock, 17:31 p.m. I slept all the morning because last night I spent every second thinking about all this shit that happened with Nick.

I walked naked to the bath and got into the warm water listening to some music. I closed my eyes and started remembering our travel...Venice, it was beautiful...I thought we could end up together...but seems like we couldn't.

Damn, obviously we'd never be together Demi, he's married to a most beautiful girl and he said he'd never see you as more than a friend. You failed trying to win his heart...was I trying to win his heart? Why would I? Am I in love with Nick? For real?

I stood up quickly and went to my bedroom, chose some comfy clothes and dried my hair a little while I sent a message to Sophie.

Demi✌~ we need to talk, I'm going to your house...is Joe there?

Sophie😊~ God, I missed you Demi...he's not here now so you can come...I'm waiting for you with some coffee and a piece of cake

Demi✌~ thank you buddy, I'm on my way

I grabbed my purse and left the house quickly to Joe and Sophie's place. I needed to be fast if I didn't want to see Joe again today. 7 minutes later, I was knocking on the door.

Sophie: my girl! (She hugged me)

Demi: hey, how are you?

Sophie: I'm fine and you?

Demi: well...I can tell you with a cup of tea in my hands (she laughed)

Sophie: come in (we walked into the house and sat on the the table) okay so, I suppose that if you are here with that urgency it's because something happened...but what on earth made you come here when you have your closets friends nearer to your house?

Demi: I needed someone to listen and not criticize me for what I feel and someone to tell me a big advice with the whole truth and that's you...usually it's them but not with this topic, I feel like you can tell me something more precise since you are Joe's wife

Sophie: (she looked confused at me) I don't- oh! Got it!...Nick?

Demi: this was easier than telling you myself (we laughed)

Sophie: okay, you can talk...I'm all ears

Demi: you know that we grew apart like 5 months ago

Sophie: yea, Joe told me

Demi: as always (I said laughing) now...basically he lied to me and I was too hurt to listen the whole truth, we ended up crying and he leaving the house...it was a total drama, I admit it

Sophie: oh my God, I would've liked to see that (she laughed and I nodded)

Demi: yea, I'm pretty sure you you would

Sophie: what happened to your mind, to be here 5 months later talking to his sister in law

Demi: well...I've been a mess these months, I sleep through the day, live through the night, I don't want to eat, I don't leave my house if I'm not told to do it...my life is literally a mess, I've been writing music but apmost all of my songs are about him! (Sophie stared at me with concerned look on his eyes) what?

Sophie: Priyanka told me like two days ago that Nick was going through exactly the same you are going through

Demi: is he? (Sophie nodded slowly)

Sophie: I haven't seen him in a week or so but...the last time I did he didn't seem like the Nick we all know and to be completely honest with you Dem...you don't look yourself neither

Demi: (I shrugged) I know, everyone said that to me but I had no idea Nick was going through the same

Sophie: why don't you talk with him? You can't be like this anymore...you both deserve better, you're just hurting yourselves with this shit

Demi: I know but...what if he doesn't want to see me? What if he hates me too much to talk to me again? He hasn't even looked for me

Sophie: you neither Demi, you both are so fucking proud and afraid to talk to each other that this will end up killing you, for real (I looked at her and a tear rolled down my cheek) I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you that

Demi: no, you're right, it's okay...I just don't know how to do this, I don't think I can talk to him, I can't go to his house and tell him...

Sophie: why?

Demi: Priyanka will be there

Sophie: umm, okay...you can wait some days I guess, it's totally your choice

Demi: thank you (I hugged her and grabbed my purse) I'm gonna go before Joe arrives...I want to avoid uncomfortable talks

Sophie: yea, you're right (we walked to the door and she hugged me) talk to me again soon, don't disappear again you little bitch

Demi: I won't...love you Soph

Sophie: love you girl (I walked to my car and left her house)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now