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NICK P.O.V.: Priyanka came back the next week, precisely to Joe and Sophie's wedding. We all travel to France to the ceremony. She had to pay a different hitel than mine cause the couple paid a special little hotel for the bridesmaids and the boys that Joe wanted with him. So she stayed with my dad and mom and I went to the special place. Maisei, Wilmer, Kevin, Danielle, Joe and Sophie were already there when I arrived.

Nick: hi

Joe: hello Nick (I saw them concerned about something)

Nick: what happened?

Sophie: Demi hasn't arrived yet and we're worried

Nick: but, did she say she was coming or...

Danielle: yes, she said she was a couple blocks away

Joe: I told them to calm down cause maybe she's buying sonething...you know how Demi is like

Nick: yea maybe but...it can be dangerous, you know how the world is now (he nodded)

Sophie: anyways, I have to do some paperwork here so I'm gonna tell my dad to look for her, she should be near here

Joe: oh, don't worry, dad will go find her

Sophie: really?

Joe: ye-

Nick: no, I'll go...I'll find her sooner, I guess

Danielle: I think that's a better option

Sophie: okay, call us once you've found her (I nodded and left the hotel)

I drove some minutes near the hotel until I saw a big shop. I parked the car ans walked into it. There was a lot of people in there, I walked through different shops but I couldn't find her. I was going to the car again when I stepped into a sunglasses shop.

Nick: I knew it (she jumped and turned back to look at me)

Demi: Nick (she smiled) what are you doing here?

Nick: everyone freaked out because you said you were arriving and you never did so they sent me to look for you

Demi: oh...how did you find me?

Nick: I know you like to go shopping...and you love sunglasses and all that summer stuff

Demi: well guessed...just wait a minute and we'll can leave

Nick: okay, hurry up (she paid some sunglasses and we went back to the hotel)

Sophie: oh Jesus Christ! There you are (she hugged Demi)

Demi: I know, I'm sorry...I just wanted to buy some things

Joe: ha! Told ya! I was right (he shrugged) as always

Danielle: hell girl, you can tell us next time...this cutie here (she pointed to Sophie) was dying because of you

Demi: I'm sorry boo

Sophie: yea, it's okay....now that we're all here, you can go to your rooms

They gave us our keys and I looked at Demi's to see if she was staying near of me.

Demi: 216, you? (She asked me)

Nick: 217

Demi: in front of mine (I nodded smiling)

Wilmer: mine is 218...we'll be next to each other Dem (he smiled at her and she nodded looking to the floor. I could tell she wasn't comfortable with it)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now