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DEMI P.O.V.: Nick Jonas. Have you ever experienced that feeling when you're angry with someone or upset but you miss him at the same time...and then, yousee him? Like, it hurts and at the same time it's the best.

He just said hi and they left to the kitchen again. I looked at Sophie and she smiled at me.

Demi: this isn't going to work, you know it, right? (He smile faded away)

Sophie: I know you can make it work...you were best friends your whole life damn, you can talk about it and be fine again

Demi: I don't know Soph, I see it kinda difficult to happen

Sophie: it's not, believe me...I see it in your eyes, and in his...you want to talk, you can do it

Demi: maybe later (I shrugged and Alena walked to me)

Alena: your name is Demi, right?

Demi: yes cutie, why?

Alena: I'm drawing and I want to put your name on it...it's my diary

Demi: well, thank you (she nodded smiling and went back to her seat) we should put the plates on the table

Sophie: yea, follow me (we walked into the kitchen and the boys stopped talking, it was fucking awkward) umm, I'm gonna put some music on

Joe: yes please (I smiled at Joe and Sophie put on the radio)

Sophie: the plates are over there (she pointed over my head and Joe hugged her as they started dancing in the door. It was nice to see them happy)

I looked at where the plates where and tried to grab some...it was to high for me. I laughed when I realized it while I tried to get to where they were. Someone walked from behind me and granbed them before giving it to me.

Nick: here

Demi: thank you

Nick: you're welcome (I faked a little smile and left the kitchen)

I was alone in the dinning room when Sophie entered.

Sophie: I saw it, I told you, everything will be fine

Demi: I'm not sure but I'll try (she smiled and hugged me while dancing. We were dancing with the little girls when we heard the boys walked into the room but we were still in our world)

NICK P.O.V.: I looked at the four girls dancing and then my eyes met Joe's. He smiled at me and we looked at them again. They looked like the happiest girls on earth...even tho they're probably not, at least Demi.

Demi. She was there dancing like a crazy woman with my sister in law just to make Alena and Valentina laugh, and they made them laugh a lot. I couldn't help but imagine her as a mommy. I mean, she'd be the best.

The song finished and Sophie ran to hug Joe, they were honestly beautiful to watch.

Demi: alright love birds, stop it...there are kids here (she covered Alena and Valentina's eyes with her hands and they laughed like crazy girls as Demi did too)

I let out a soft laugh and Demi looked at me with sweet eyes while laughing with the girls.

Joe: okay, the foor is ready to eat...come on guys, sit down

Sophie sat next to Joe, on his right side, who was in the tip of the table. Alena sat next to Sophie, Demi was in front of Joe's girl next to him too and I was going to sit next to her but a little girl was faster than me.

Valentina: I want to sit next to you (she said to Demi and we all smiled)

Demi: omg you're so cute, come here (she helped Valentina sit on her chair and I sat in front of Joe next to the two little girls)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now