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DEMI P.O.V.: I sat on my chair after recording a whole song with the door's office closed and put on "Happiness Begins" on Spotify.

1. Sucker- as always good and catchy
2. Cool- very good but it's not one of my favs
3. Only Human- amazing music and goos lyrics, catchy
4. I Believe- not as catchy as the others, it's not of my favs neither...and I could say that the "I believe, I believe, I believe" part is just like the part of my song with DJ Khaled
5. Used To Be- well, I found it interesting that I can almost affirm that the song is about me, I'm not sure tho but...I really really like it, the music is calm and fast at the same time
6. Every Single Time- definitely a catchy song, good to work with it. Suspicious lyrics but it's a great song as well as the others
7. Don't Throw It Away- umm, maybe about me? I don't want to have my hopes up about some songs of the album but I can relate with the lyrics. Good music
8. Love Her- sweet song, it reminds me a little bit to Justin's "Love Yourself" but I like this ine better, I think
9. Happy When I'm Sad- definitely a song that we all, the famous people, can relate to...the music is not my favorite but I like it, I mean...they are good
10. Trust- to be honest, I don't really like the way their voices sound during the chorus but I like the lyrics, it's like a more mature song...the music is maybe one of my favs
11. Strangers- good one, I like it but I'm not a fan of it
12. Hesitate- let me tell you something...Joe made a really good job with the lyrics, he expressed all his feelings in that song. It totally describes the way you feel when you fall in love too much with someone you can't put it in words. Sophie's a lucky girl
13. Rollercoaster- one of my favs of the album, I'm not ashamed to tell you that I cried while listening to it because I know what they went through and to see them that happy today just makes me wanna cry. I'm proud of them and I love them with my whole heart
14. Comeback- very sweet and romantic lyrics, I love the song, the music, the concept...it's beautiful and obviously I love that they all wrote it

In conclusion, I love the album, I have some faves but they all are good. I wrote that notes all in a paper of my agenda and proceeded to read it again. Maybe I'm right and some songs are about me but maybe I'm not.

I was into that thoughts when someone knocked on my door.

Demi: yea, a second! (I walked to the door and opened it) oh

X: hi, I thought you wouldn't mind if I came to say hi...I was just driving home when I saw this place

Demi: no, I don't mind at all...umm, again...congrats ib the album release (he smiled)

Nick: did you listen to it?

Demi: kinda I think (he entered and sat on the couch of my office while I closed the door)

Nick: I see (he said grabbing my agenda and starting to read what I wrote on it)

Demi: oh, give it to me...please (he nodded and gave it to me) it's a very good album, I like it a lot...like, love it

Nick: I brought you a copy of it, the 6th one, the first one if we leave ours and Frankie's and mom and dad's ones...here (he handed me the album and I opened it, there was an additional page with the lyrics that was something personal for me) we all wrote that

Demi: let me see

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