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NICK P.O.V.: Demi entered the party and Priyanka sat next to me.

Priyanka: I think we need to talk

Nick: can't it wait?

Priyanka: no, it's important

Nick: okay then, tell me (I looked at her and she looked to the party before looking at me)

Priyanka: why are you doing this?

Nick: doing what?

Priyanka: being married with me

Nick: Pri, I love you and you know it

Priyanka: you do? Cause lately I haven't feel your love like I did once

Nick: you must be paranoid, cause I'm the same I was

Priyanka: no, you aren't, you used to tell me every morning how much you loved me, how beautiful I am, you used to take me to have dinner to pretty places, you used to call me all the time whenever I was put pf the city...you showed me how much you loved me...Nick, weused to  make love like multiple times a week and now nothing, when was the last time we made love?

Nick: is this about that?

Priyanka: no, it's ot about that, is about how I feel that you don't love me anymore

Nick: but I do, I just changed after...I changed (I rested my head on my hands)

Priyanka: after what? After Demi walked away from your life some months ago?

Nick: it's not always about Demi, Priyanka

Priyanka: oh believe me, it always is about her...I noticed how smiley you became when she went back to your life you even apend more time with her than with me now

Nick: you must be kidding me, you're never in town, that's why we aren't together anymore! Not because of Demi

Priyanka: I'm here now and you came outside to talk with her leaving me al-

Nick: no, I didn't leave you alone, I left you with Sophie and Danielle and I came here with Demi because I saw her going through a bad moment with Wilmer and she needed someone to talk to

Priyanka: listen Nick, I love you. I really do...but I don't see you loving me like you did once (she said that and walked away from me to go back to the party)

I just sat there thinking untik I decided what I was gonna do.

Nick: hey (I grabbed Priyanka's hand) I wanna go to the hotel

Priyanka: now?

Nick: yea

Priyanka: why?

Nick: I'm not feeling very well (she nodded)

Priyanka: fine, let's go (we walked hand in hand out of the party and before stepping into the car y saw Demi looking at me, she flashed me a small smile and went back to dance with Joe)

I drove to my hotel and once there I pushed Priyanka to the wall and started kissing her neck.

Priyanka: what the-oh yea (we continued kissing to the bed and then we got naked before I entered on her) oh yea! Do it baby (I moved in and out of her body and she screamed my name like she always did) Nick! (She said as she had an orgasm)

Nick: (I laid next to her) I told ya, I love you

Priyanka: yea, you do (she smiled and started kissing my chest again) I'm not gonna stop now

To be honest, I did it to convince myself that I loved her...or try to.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now