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NICK P.O.V.: we started eating and everything was good, Sophie and Joe talked the most, Demi sometimes said a word or two and I did the same.

Sophie: I remember that when I was like Alena I used to...(she kept talking but I looked at my side to see Demi with Valentina in their own world)

Valentina: I like the food

Demi: you do? It's actually really good

Valentina: yes (she smiled at Demi with a big red smile that the pasta left that way and Demi laughed cleaning her softly)

Demi: how can someone be this cute? You and Alena are beautiful I love you guys...I'm obsessed with you (Alena laughed)

Alena: thanks

Valentina: I want to pee (she said to Demi)

Demi: oh, does she need help to go to the bathroom? (She asked Joe but he was so into Sophie he didn't hear. She looked at me)

Nick: yes, she does...I'll go with her

Demi: no, don't worry...we'll be back, come with me (they walked hand in hand and disappeared into the bathroom)

Alena: she is so beautiful, isn't her uncle Nick?

Nick: what?

Alena: Demi is beautiful, isn't her? (I smiled at Alena and nodded slowly)

Nick: yes, she's beautiful

Alena: I like her

Nick: you do?

Alena: she's funny and sweet

Nick: yea...it's a good person I guess (Alena nodded and Valentina and Demi returned to the table)

Demi: we're back

Valentina: yea! (She clapped her hands and the lunch continued) 

Once we finished we went to the backyard and sat in the garden table. It was a beautiful day, it was sunny and hot but not too much. Alena and Valentina sat on the floor playing with their toys while we talked there.

Sophie: I want to swim

Joe: really? (She nodded and Joe smiled) let's do it then

Demi: the weather it's to cold for it you crazy love birds

Sophie: come on Demi, it'll be fun

Demi: no sorry, I can't get sick...I'll have to pass this time

Joe: okay, girls...do you want to swim? (They said yes and started jumping)

Sophie: Nick?

Nick: no sorry, I'll pass this time (Joe looked at me and smiled)

Joe: alright, other day...let's go Soph, girls! (They three entered to the house and after some minutes they got into the pool)

It was awkward. I looked at Demi and didn't know how to start the conversation. We spent like 10 minutes like that and then she stood up and entered into the house. I followed her.

Demi: what are you doing? (She asked me when I grabbed her hand)

Nick: wanna talk?

Demi: about?

Nick: you know...

Demi: (she looked at my eyes and then to the floor) ummm...okay...yea, I guess (she shrugged)

Nick: Demi, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry about everything that happened

Demi: are you? (She rested her body on the wall and I stayed in front of her)

Nick: yes, I shouldn't have lied, I know it...and I promise that this hasn't been easy to me, I've been-

Demi: I know, Sophie told me (she nodded)...I've been like that too (I looked at her eyes)

Nick: really?

Demi: mhm, really

Nick: I had no idea

Demi: me neither of you but...that's not what matters

Nick: yes, well...I already told you

Demi: umm, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for not hearing your explanation and just closed you my door

Nick: don't worry, it was my fault

Demi: it wasn't, it was both's fault (she smiled with the corner of her lips and my heart started beating fast)

Nick: sorry (I grabbed her arms and pulled her into a tight hug) I missed you...so...fucking much (she giggled)

Demi: me too Nicholas, for real (she looked up at me with her beautiful eyes and I felt my heart beating faster. She had tears in her eyes and I guess I had them too cause she laughed a little) we are a disaster

Nick: I think so (my eyes went from her eyes to her lips and made their way back to her stare)

I need to kiss her. I can't take it anymore. This is it.

I put my hand behind her neck and she sighed. She wanted it too.

Joe: hey guys, is everything oka...(I let go off her and she walked backwards when Joe entered but we were too slow) oh man umm, sorry...I just thought that...sorry...bye (he laughed awkwardly and left)

Demi: umm, I think we better go outside, we're losing the day

Nick: umm yea, let's go (we walked together talking to the backyard and Sophie smiled to us)

Sophie: told ya! (She shouted to Demi)

Demi: whatever (Valentina came running to Demi and hugged her legs) hey, what happens?

Valentina: I want to sleep aunty Demi (I looked at Demi and she smiled widely)

Demi: come here, let's go to sleep (she picked her up and Valentina grabbed my hand)

Valentina: come with us, uncle Nick (I nodded)

Nick: yea, I'll go with you (we walked to one of Joe's guests room and Demi left the little girl there)

Valentina: come here (she said to me when Demi laid next to her)

Nick: kay (I laid on the other side of her and she took both our hands)

Valentina: can you sing to me? (She asked me and I nodded)

Nick: Demi sings too

Valentina: you do? (She asked Demi with big eyes and Dem nodded) can you sing to me? Please

Demi: yea, we'll do it

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now