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DEMI P.O.V.: I waited for her to start talking.

Marissa: you were always happy, the happiest...even through the back, every time you've been with Nick since you know each other I've seen you the happiest

Demi: really?

Marissa: yes Demi, Nick always make you laugh and smile, no matter who was your boyfriend...he's always been the one making you laugh the most...even more than me

Demi: I don't think that's possible (she smiled) but, what about the tour? Did I look different or something?

Marissa: you and Nick got closer, you started flirting with Joe again...but still, he was always having your back and you talked with me about him every night of the tour when we were in your bus

Demi: did I?

Marissa: yea

Demi: what did I say?

Marissa: you used to talk about how good he was at music, how much you were enjoying being in the tour with him, how great he looked on his show's outfits, how funny he was when he pranked someone...don't you remember?

Demi: umm, I think I do but...not too much

Marissa: you used to do that every night

Demi: that says a lot

Marissa: why are you asking me this things?

Demi: I wanted to know something

Marissa: tell me...has anything happened between the both of you since I stepped out of the picture?

Demi: a lot, actually

Marissa: I'm all ears (I smiled and told her all the story..the literal story) oh my God, I can't believe you kissed...I've been waiting since I was a teenager

Demi: what?

Marissa: I swear Demi, you liked Joe but it was something everyone was expecting...you and Nick

Demi: nobody was expecting it, liar

Marissa: oh really? Your mom and his, were...

Demi: what? That's not true

Marissa: his mom wanted you to date Joe firstly and your mom too but...around year 2013 or so...they wanted you to date him

Demi: I was with Wilmer, stop trying to make me believe this

Marissa: Demi...ask your mother and she'll tell you the truth

Demi: I won't

Marissa: of course you won't, cause you know I'm not lying (I smiled)

Demi: maybe

Marissa: now tell me, the real thing...what's happening between you two?

Demi: now? we just saw each other, I told you that we were together when Joe-

Marissa: I know I know...I mean...between you two...your feelings

Demi: feelings?

Marissa: you're falling Demi

Demi: what? How could you even know that?

Marissa: I think I know you enough to say it...I see it Dem, you are

Demi: no, I'm not...that's not even possible

Marissa: I bet it's true and I'm right

Demi: I'm not talking bout this...let's forget that for now

Marissa: okay, let's change the subject but...you still have to tell me the first once you get engaged

Demi: the hell are you saying? (I started laughing)

Marissa: a divorce, for people like him...it's easier that it looks like

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now