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JOE P.O.V.: I walked out of the radio studio with Kevin behind me. We got into the car and Nick was there with his phone scrolling onto some pics.

Nick: I'm sorry about earlier, I don't know what came over you

Kevin: actually...she came over you

Nick: oh not again guys. It's okay. I'm okay. (I sighed and looked at him)

Joe: sooner or later you'll have to talk about this with us...I know it hurts Nick, I really do...but you gain nothing with being this stubborn about not talking

Nick: I'm not stubborn, I just don't want to do this...it's my business, not yours

Joe: you can't keep going around the world with that face Nick

Nick: why? It's not like I decide to have this face

Kevin: you'll end up dead if you don't look for a solution, this is killing you...open your eyes!

We started at Kevin and he smiled.

Kevin: sorry but it's the truth

Nick: I miss her, that's all

Joe: no, I miss her too...I haven't seen her in the same time you haven't but, guess what? I'm still in good shape, I miss her but I'm not dying for this Nick, you are!

Nick: what do you expect me to tell you? I won't say anything different because this is the fucking truth...I just miss her

Kevin: why can't you say what you're really feeling? Nobody will say nothing, we are brothers, but we can't keep living with this Nick...I hate you when you're like this because we all end up sad just because you are

Nick: Guys (he looked with anger at us but then he shrugged) I won't talk in a car (we laughed and I nodded)

Joe: I'm driving us to a coffee shop, we'll talk there

Nick: okay...let's do it

Kevin: finally acting like the brothers we are (he said scrolling down Nick's phone while he put the belt on)

Nick: hey, what are you doing? (He tried to grab his phone but Kevin showed the screen to me) it's not what it looks like

Kevin: no, we don't think you were watching Demi's old photos that you saved like a weirdo (he shrugged and Nick shook his head)

Nick: I just wanted to see her face again (I nodded knowing what he felt and gave him his phone back)

NICK P.O.V.: while we traveled to the coffee shop, I kept looking at her pics.

Sleepy selfies were my favorite

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Sleepy selfies were my favorite.

Or, what about the Halloween party where she dressed as Dorothy...she looked absolutely stunning.

Or her documentary...she looked beautiful in it, telling her truth, she is the most powerful woman I know...her smile during the video God, even if she wasn't smiling like that for me...I love her smile.

The last pic I had it was this one, I remember her excitement when she finished the first clothe she made with her own hands. She was the happiest, how can you not cry when you see the face of the most important human in the world smiling like that just because now, you don't see it anymore? That's it, that's the answer...you can't not cry.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now