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DEMI P.O.V.: I was laughing the hell out of me with Valentina, I was having so much fun, we played in some games more and then went to have an ice cream at the afternoon.

Nick: here ladies (he gave us our ice creams and we walkes in front of the wheel of the fortune)

Valentina: I wanna go in there

Demi: sure? It's a little high

Valentina: I like it

Nick: I think she's been in one before so let's go (we three entered on one of the chairs, Nick sat in front of me with Valentina on his side and the trip started)

It was beautiful, we could see the sunset and it was...something I've never seen before. I looked at Nick and his niece just to see they were looking at the horizon and talking about it as well.

She is the sweetest angel on heart I swore and he...he looked different in that bright orange light. He wasn't just the Nick we all know anymore, he was another Nick, and I was afraid of discovering which Nick he represented to me now.

Nick: is everything okay? (I nodded smiling)

Demi: yea, I was just thinking a little bit

Nick: about?

Demi: nothing really, I was thinking about how much fun we had today

Nick: umm, we're gonna sing some songs later so if you want to stay...the fun could continue

Oh, I really want to stay.

Demi: maybe I'll stay, don't know tho (I shrugged and he smiled at me)

Nick: would be nice if you stay

Did he really want me to stay?

Demi: yea (once we got out from the wheel, Nick kept staring at me) what?

Nick: I missed spending time with you

Demi: me too (I smiled and Valentina hugged my legs)

Valentina: I want to sleep aunty Demi

Demi: come here (I picked her up and Nick covered her tiny body with his jacket)

Sophie: hey guys, had fun?

Demi: a lot but this little lady is tired now

Joe: do you want me to grab her?

Demi: oh no, I'm good (I felt her arms hugging my neck and couldn't help but smile)

Alena: mommy! (She ran to Danielle and Kevin while they walked to us)

Danielle: hey guys, were they a mess?

Nick: a cute one (we laughed) no, they are angels, you know it

Kevin: is she sleeping?

Demi: yea, I think she fell asleep already (I said looking down at her)

Kevin: give her to me (I nodded and gave him Valentina)

Demi: she's so cute I can't believe it

Nick: I think she loves Demi more than she loves me and that says a lot

Joe: she loves me more

Nick: no, she doesn't

Danielle: well, it's time to rock it!

Sophie: I'm so excited! (She jumped) boo, are tou staying?

Demi: (she asked me while walking to the stage) I don't know

Sophie: why not? (She hugged me with one of her arms)

Demi: I feel like I'm doing things with you all that Priyanka should be doing

Sophie: okay, what? (She looked at me laughing) Demi, she's not here anyways...if you weren't here, Nick would be alone so (she shrugged)

Demi: fine but I think it's my time to leave...I don't want to misunderstand anything with him

Sophie: Nick?

Demi: yea

Sophie: but nothing's ever happened between you two (I looked at the floor) did it?

Demi: after the peak we had at your house on Christmas, we had another one on a church on Venice, and then another on his house that night you took me there, remember?

Sophie: who kissed the other?

Demi: I kissed him after a little discussion and then, when I was leaving...we decided it was the right time to try something we talked before

Sophie: what was that?

Demi: we decided to have a real kiss to know if there were feelings involved between us

Sophie: and what happened?

Demi: we never talked about it because a lot happened

Sophie: but...

Demi: but every time I see his face, I remember how his lips felt on mine

Sophie: oh shit, oh shit, oh shit

Demi: why are you saying oh shit?

Sophie: are you in love with him?

Demi: what? Of course not! (She smiled)

Sophie: sure?

Demi: yea, completely

Sophie: okay...will you stay?

Demi: no, I'm gonna go home...tell 'em I love them and wish good luck but I was feeling a little headache

Sophie: umm okay, I will (she hugged me) be safe, I'll talk to you later

Demi: you too, okay, love you boo

Sophie: me too, bye

Demi: bye (I walked away fron her and got in my car to go back to my house)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now