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DEMI P.O.V.: after saying bye to the boys, we walked to a limo and travelled there to the club.

Sophie: what are your surprises for me?

Demi: it's a lesbians club (her eyes went wide)

Maisei: kidding but you sure will have to kiss us

Demi: at least Maisei and me (she laughed)

Sophie: just wait until I have a little bit of alcohol in my blood and I'll do anything

Maisei: and that's actually true...so true

Demi: I didn't know you were like that

Sophie: you'll discover a lot of things then (we laughed)

Demi: we're here babies (we walked into the club and they started drinking and dancing)

It was fun, Dani didn't drink and me neither but Maisei and Sophie did...at 2 a.m. Sophie was already drunk and in a happy mood.

Sophie: do you know I love you all? You're my girls, my brothas, my world...specially you (she pointed to Maisei) and you (she pointed to Dani) and of course you too, my boo

We all hugged and Sophie smiled perversely at us.

Danielle: why that face?

Sophie: gimme a kiss (she said Dani and she jus laughed)

Danielle: I can't, I'm married and I'm straight

Sophie: oh, okay...sissy, gimme a kiss (they looked at each other and Maisei handled me her phone)

Maisei: a photo

Demi: okay (I took them the photo and then Sophie looked at me)

Sophie: now, you

Demi: oh, is my turn?

Sophie: yea (I nodded)

Demi: fine (I shrugged and walked to her, she pressed her lips to mine and I knew someone took a pic) send it to me then

Maisei: okay (we continued dancing and having fun and at 4 a.m., we went back to the hotel)

The sun was already raising so Danielle helped Maisei to go to her room and I walked Sophie to her room.

Demi: now, sleep and I'll be here in the morning

Sophie: thank you...this was honestly like, the best night of my life

Demi: it's nothin boo, I love you, now enter

Sophie: yea, thank you (she peaked my lips laughing again and closed the door)

I heard sound on the hallway and when I looked back I saw Joe walking as much drunk as he could possibly be and laughing with Kevin and Wilmer beside him.

Kevin: hey, how was it?

Demi: it was fun, how about you?

Kevin: these two had fun, at least (he said while Joe and Wilmer hugged drunk)

Demi: do you need help?

Kevin: please (I nodded) Nick is paying the limo and that

Demi: oh (I grabbed Wilmer's hand and he looked at me)

Wilmer: baby

I heard Kevin left Joe on his room and then, I was alone in the hallway with a drunk version of my ex.

Demi: let's go to bed Wil, you're so drunk I can't believe it (he laughed and pushed me to the wall) Wil...stop with this, I don't want this

Wilmer: I miss you (he said kissing my neck. This used to turn me on but now I was disgusted with him)

Demi: I don't so let me go

Wilmer: baby, I wanna make you scream my name like you always did

Demi: get away (I tried to push him away but he pressed his body to mine) Wilmer...get away (I was still kissing my neck and I was trying to push him when I felt some hands grabbing my arm and pushing him away from me)

Wilmer: ooh ooh, calm bro...calm

Nick: are you okay? (I nodded)

Demi: he's just drunk Nick, I know him...I'll be fine

Wilmer: she wants to be with me

Nick: go to sleep, I'll take him there

Demi: Nick, I can-

Nick: Demi...go in, I'll do this, I won't let you alone with him!

Demi: you can't keep treating me like a teenager, I'm no longer!

Wilmer: obviously, look at that body

Nick: the hell are you saying pig? Shut up

Demi: stop it! I can do this alone

Nick: I'm not having this conversation with you Demi (he grabbed my arm and opened the door of my room gently pushing me in)

Demi: I hate you, you just think I'm a little girl!

Nick: I don't, but I won't let him hurt you just understand that for God's sake! (He closed the door and I heard him leaving Wilmer on his room)

Some minutes later, the silence filled the air and I fell asleep.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now