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NICK P.O.V.: the next morning I went to Joe's room firstly and woke him up, then we all went to have breakfast because it was time for the wedding rehearsal. We were there when the girls arrived all wearing sunglasses as Joe and Wilmer.

Sophie: hello everyone, you just need to know that the boys will enter first and stand in the aisle and you girls will walk after than me

Demi: okay

Danielle: and to leave?

Sophie: umm I don't know...Joe?

Joe: maybe walking hand in hand a boy and a girl

Sophie: yea, Dani and Kev, Demi and-

Wilmer: me (I looked at him)

Joe: is that okay with you Dems?

Demi: umm, ye-

Nick: I'm gonna leave with her

Wilmer: what? Why should you?

Nick: I have my reasons, why should you?

Wilmer: cause we've been a couple so we look better together than you two

Demi: here we go again (she whispered)

Nick: and? That was a lot of years ago, they don't even remem-

Demi: Nick, stop it

Sophie: who you'll go with? It's up to you (she looked at Wilmer and he smiled at her, then she looked at me and rolled her eyes)

Demi: I'll leave with Nick if that's okay (I smiled and Joe nodded)

Joe: yeah, Wilmer, you and Maisei

Maisei: okay (we all agreed that and saw the positions for the afternoon and then, left to the hotel, while walking through the hallway of the hotel I got close to Demi)

Nick: I know you'd choose me

Demi: I only did it for you to stop with that stupid fight you have with Wilmer, which I don't even understand

Nick: what? He's been treating you like shit Demi, I don't understand why you are like this with me

Demi: cause you think I can't take care of myself (she replied looking at me)

Nick: I know you can, but I don't want him to hurt you in any possible way

Demi: don't worry, he won't (she entered her room and I walked to mine but Wilmer walked to me before I could enter to my room)

Wilmer: hey you

Nick: what?

Wilmer: I don't know what you're trying to do with Demi but stop

Nick: why are telling me this shit?

Wilmer: she doesn't want you as more than a friend and you're married...I remain you just in case you forget about it

Nick: I don't pretend her to want me as more than a friend and I do remember very well that I'm married

Wilmer: you always had the hots for Demi, even when she was dating me...you can't lie to me

Nick: either I had or not the hots for her it's none of your business, so leave

Wilmer: she'll never like you in that way...she's always gonna have a part of her heart for me and you know it, she has said it herself

Nick: I'm done with this stupid conversation, I don't think of her in the way you think I do (I walked into my room and slammed the door)

He's right, she could never fall for someone and give them her complete heart because she said Wilmer would always have a part of it. Maybe that's why she can't open her eyes and see that he's not the good boy and gentleman she thinks he is.

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now