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NICK P.O.V.: I was going to the backyard to smoke when I saw Wilmer and Demi on the bathroom's hallway.

They were kissing? That's what thought when I saw them but then I saw Demi's hands trying to push him away, so I walked to them.

Demi: Wilmer, stop!

Nick: the hell are you doing again?

Wilmer: oh, look he's here...again, to save you (I said to me after letting go of Demi)

Demi: Nick, you don't have to worry, we're fine (she tried to touch me but I moved her hand away)

Nick: why you keep doing this shit? Don't you remember who she is?

Wilmer: it's none of your business friend, so leave us alone now

Demi: Nick, you can go, we're-

Nick: I won't go, listen I get you're Joe's friend and he wanted you on the aisle with him but guess what? That part of the wedding already ended so now if you don't want me to call security, you better leave

Wilmer: you're telling me to leave? Seriously?

Demi: this isn't necessary

Nick: it is, it really is necessary...I don't want an idiot like him ruining Joe's and Sophie's wedding

Wilmer: you're the one who's ruining it, we were having a great time until you arrived...weren't we, Demi?

Demi: (he looked at her and she nodded, then she looked at me) no, we weren't

Wilmer: the hell are you saying? (He walked to grab her arm but I pushed him)

Nick: I don't want to punch you but you're playing with fire Wilmer

Wilmer: how brave you are, you're just a little boy that's in love with her, that's all that you are (he said looking at Demi)

Demi: Wilmer, it's enough

Nick: let hin talk, I don't care (he shrugged) I'm calling security

Wilmer: no, don't worry...I'll go, prince, but remember you did this to me...Joe will know about it later

Demi: don't worry, he'll know every little thing that happened even before Nick arrived here (Wilmer nodded and left)

Nick: are you okay?

Demi: yea yea, he was just...an asshole

Nick: I saw

Demi: you're free to tell me 'I told you so'

Nick: I won't and now change that face and go enjoy the party

Demi: I'm not in the mood for a dance

Nick: wanna come with me? I'm gonna smoke a cigar

Demi: I don't smoke anymore

Nick: then just sit there with me and talk about the outfits of the guests

Demi: okay, deal

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now