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NICK P.O.V.: Sophie walked to us but Demi wasn't there anymore.

Nick: umm, did she leave?

Sophie: yea, she was having a headache but she said she loves you and wish you good luck

Joe: that's sweet (we nodded)

To be honest, I didn't really believe her excuse to leave.

Nick: I'm gonna make a call, I'll be back

Kevin: okay, hurry up...we need to start soon

Nick: yea yea (I walked to my little dressing room and dialled her number. She didn't take the call and I recorded a voicemail) Demi, it's me, Nick...I'm hust a little worried about you, Sophie told us you were having a headache and I just wanted to make sure you are okay...umm, anyways, I gotta go...talk to ne later? I hope so, bye, love you

The show was cool, it wasn't that long. After that, the rest of the family decided to go to a burger shop and I couldn't say no. While we were eating and talking I was with Alena on my lap, we were having fun and my phone started vibrating. Of course I didn't know it because it was on the table but, thanks to Alena, we all knew it.

Alena: uncle Nick (everyone shut up) Demi's calling you

Nick: I umm...gonna take the call, I'll be back (I left her on the chair and walked like three meters afar to take the call) hello?

Demi: hi, it's me, Demi...I'm sorry I never called you or hit your phone back, I was resting a bit (she had husky voice)

Nick: are you okay? You sound a little sick or something

Demi: might be the air on thw wheel of the fortune...but yea, I'm okay, thank you for worrying, it wasn't necessary tho

Nick: I couldn't help it, but I'm still thinking that there was something more why you left

Demi: oh no, I was just tired and had a headache (she was lying)

Nick: do you think we could hang out tomorrow?

Demi: umm, I...I work all day tomorrow...maybe other day

Nick: oh, I wanted to hang out with you before Priyanka is back in town but-

Demi: I don't think we'll have time Nick, I'm busy now...a lot

Nick: Demi, what aren't you telling me?

Demi: nothing, I promise nothing's happening but I think we need to focus on our careers this days, I need to...my fans want me to and I owe them this album I'm working on

Nick: you're not being honest, there's something more here, I know you

Demi: I'm not so sure you know me that well anymore, we've been apart 5 months...I'm fine, you have to believe in me, there's nothing more, I just want tine to focus on my music, okay?

Nick: I- yea, okay...If you say so

Demi: thank you (she sighed and I looked to the floor) I'll talk to you another day

Nick: I'll be waiting

Demi: I know (she said with a weird tired voice) I gotta go now, have a nice week

Nick: you too...love you

Demi: I know...love you too

Nick: yea...bye

Demi: bye (she hang up and I kept staring at my shoes)

Joe: what happened?

Nick: she said 'nothing' but I don't think that's the truth

Joe: why not?

Nick: cause she don't want to see me anytime soon, and she keeps making up excuses

Joe: Nick, can I ask you something?

Nick: yea, whatever

Joe: are you in love with her? (I looked up at him)

Nick: who?

Joe: (he rolled his eyes) Demi

Nick: what are you talking about? You're crazy

Joe: I am, but I can still recognize the way someone who's in love with a girl looks at her

Nick: what are you trying to say?

Joe: I saw the way you act when she's around you, and the stare you give at her...

Nick: I'm not in love with her, not even close to be

Joe: okay, just mark my words...you can lie to me, your wife, Sophie, Kevin, mom, whoever you want...but you can't lie to yourself (he palmed my chest two times and left me alone with my thoughts)

Avalanche ~ Nemi (Sequel to Keep Holding On)Where stories live. Discover now