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"Who are you ?" Jaehee looks at the poster of 'EXO' through the glass wall across the road while standing in the hallway.

"It's Luhan, of course" Sette interrupts her thoughts.

"He is strange" Jahee says in reply.

"Strange in the sense ?"

"I don't know. It feels weird when I see him. When he looks at me" Jaehee pouts as she starts to walk through.

"He looked at you? When ? Wow, did he, really ?" Sette gets down the bed to Jaehee's bed real fast. She smiles in reply ready to relay the tale, and for a moment, those weird feeling were set aside.


"Nahee with Kris, Jaehee with Luhan, Miyoung with Suho and Sette with Sehun" The finals of the rookies chosen to perform with exo was announced with their chosen partners for the dance in their first solo concert. Jaehee sighs mentally as he hears her name along with the name that would have been her last pick. On the other hand Sette was screaming happy to have Sehun as her partner.

"4, 5 , 6 there you are eonnie. It's yours." Sette beams as she sends her inside and continues to look for her room. Jaehee hesitates for a while before knocking to check if luhan was already inside. She slowly rotates the doorknob and opens the door before stepping in.

She sighs long as she sits at a corner of the room and awaits her partner.

Luhan walks through the hallway and puts a halt on his steps as he finds the practise room he was supposed to go in. He stares at the number on the door for long. He was nervous, nervous because he wasn't certain what he should do and what he might do once he steps in. He leans over the door and takes a deep breath with closed eyes. Jaehee finds him opening the door and walking inside without a word and that startles her.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, Lee JaeHee imnida !!!!" She stands on her feet as she introduces herself and bows to him.

"I'm Luhan." He says, finding it hard to figure out what he should do or say next. To his favour, he hears a knock on the door to open it to the choreographer.

"Hello" The british guy who was supposedly there choreographer for them walks in and shakes hands with the pair. He takes a moment smiling at them as if he was trying to get used to them.

"Well, my name is Bartholomew Spielberg, I know, pretty hard name huh ? You can just call me Barry. So ..........?" He puts his bag on the table and opens his laptop.

"First of all, I think it is better to spend two or three days getting to know each other and how capable each of you are. Right ?" He starts speaking after sitting on the table while Jaehee and LuHan was just sitting on the floor.

"How about Jaehee, you just show me some moves ?"

Jaehee gets on her feet. Trying to calm her racing heart under her breath. She takes a deep breath before letting herself move along to the music. She admired herself for having found something she enjoys. As her feet stomps slowly on the floor and she feels her body being moved to the rhythm as if a river was flowing, Luhan finds himself lost in thoughts. His mind runs to those times when they were married to each other but Luhan was never accepting the role as her husband and was only despising her for bearing the crown of the crown princess. He tried to imagine how it would have been to be part of her world. A part of this adorable girl's world losing herself to the flow of the music who was still avoiding eye contact with him. As she stretches out her right arm ending the bit of dance she could come up with Luhan finds himself standing up to his feet, taking her hand pulling her all the way to him. His hand was around her waist pulling her to him and her black long hair flows away from him lost in the wind with her pose. Her breathing heaves as she feels the pain.

"Who are you ?" She asks taking one look at those sinful brown eyes of his as she asks in her head. 

"What are you ? LuHan ?" She repeats mentally. A thin layer of tears forming on her eyes as she tries to figure out everything. 

She could feel her legs giving in as she tries to conceal the pain throbbing around her heart, she could feel the invisible hands squeezing her heart. 

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