Training for the Smash Match

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The next day, SMG4 and Tari wake up in their king size bed.

SMG4: Good morning, Tari!

Tari: Good morning, SMG4! What time is it?

SMG4: It is...9:30 A.M.

Tari: Every time.

SMG4: Let's go get some breakfast.

SMG4 and Tari go to the main room. Everyone else is up already except Mario, Meggy, and Bob.

Saiko: Good morning, guys!

Tari: Good morning, Saiko!

SMG4: Where's Mario, Meggy, and Bob?

Saiko: Mario and Meggy are still sleeping, and Bob is...actually who knows where Bob is?

Laura comes into the castle.

Laura: *Yawn* Good morning, everyone!

Luigi: Good morning, Laura! Where's Turlandb and CoolGirlJen19?

Laura: They're still at home. Mom's up, but Dad...well...


Laura: Good morning, Mom!

CoolGirlJen19: Good morning, my little Superstar!

Laura: Is Dad up?

CoolGirlJen19: Nope. I can't wake him.

Laura: Lemme do it. *Goes up to Turlandb's room*

Turlandb: *Snoring*


Turlandb: *Wakes up* Ow! Ow! Okay, okay! I'm up!

Laura: Yay! You're awake!

*Flashback ends*

Laura: Yup!

SMG4: Jesus!

Saiko: Awesome!

Laura: Mom and Dad are gonna stay back at home for a bit. So I'm gonna be here for a little while.

Meggy arrives at the castle.

Laura: Morning, Meggy! Is Mario up?

Meggy: No. No matter what I do, he doesn't wake up!

SMG4: I got this. *Holds up a plate of spaghetti*

The front door explodes, and Mario comes running in.


SMG4: Come get it! *Throws the spaghetti into another room*

Mario dashes after the spaghettti.

Meggy: THAT'S how I'm supposed to wake him?!

SMG4: At least 47% of the time.

Tari: SMG4. Should we start training for our Smash match against JonWig?

SMG4: Oh, sh*t! Yeah! We should do that!

Laura: I can help you! You guys can team up against me! I'm pretty good!

SMG4: Okay! Let's go!

SMG4, Tari, and Laura go to the gaming room and start playing SSBU.

Turlandb come into the castle.

Turlandb: Ow, f*ck! I didn't know my daughter had that much power inside her!

Saiko: Don't oversleep.

Turlandb: Yeah, no sh*t.

Bob suddenly crashes through the ceiling.

Bob: Ow, My OvArIeS!

Fishy Boopkins: Bob, where were you?

Bob: I wAs At ThE sToRe GeTtInG tHe NeW tEnTaClE gIrL aNiMe MoViE.

Turlandb: You mean you stole it.

Bob: HeY! sCrEw YoU! yOu JuSt DoN't HaVe My SeXy SkIlLs As A mAsTeR tHeIf!

Turlandb: Oh, really? *holds up the anime movie*

Bob: WaIt! *checks his pockets, and finds out they're empty* HoW tHe HelL dId YoU dO tHaT?!

Turlandb: *Tosses the movie to Bob*

Bob: *Catches the movie* HoLy Sh*t!

Fishy Boopkins: Let's go watch the movie!

Bob: HeLl YeAh!

Fishy Boopkins: Meggy, you wanna join us? It has those girls with the tentacle hair!

Meggy: *Scared inkling noise* thanks! I...have to go watch Mario! *quickly runs to where Mario is*

Bob: Oh, WeLl. LeT's Go AlReAdY!

Bob and Fishy Boopkins go to Fishy Boopkins room to watch the anime movie.

Turlandb: Bleh! Anime is SO gay! Where's my daughter?

Saiko: She's with SMG4 and Tari. She's helping them train for the Smash match against JonWig.

Turlandb: Even if they train all day, I still doubt they'll win. JonWig is at the same skill level as me.

Saiko: You never know. They might keep their title as Video Game Champions.

Turlandb: True. True.

In the game room, SMG4 and Tari are struggling against Laura.

SMG4: Jesus! I can't land a hit!

Tari: My combos aren't working!

Laura: Woohoo!

SSBU: GAME! King Dedede, wins!

SMG4: Dammit!

Laura: Hey. At least you got better!

SMG4: True. But we WILL trimuph!

Tari: Let's go again!

(A few minutes later...)

SSBU: GAME! King Dedede, wins!

SMG4: Sh*t!

Tari: Damn! You're good, Laura!

(1 hour later)

SSBU: GAME! Blue Team, wins!

Tari: Whoa! We actually won!

Laura: Great job! But keep going!

After a few more hours, SMG4 and Tari started to win more and more matches.

SMG4: I think we're ready!

Tari: Me too!

Laura: Have fun against JonWig! He's no easy challenge though. He has the same skill level as me!

SMG4: We'll kick his ass!

Turlandb: Laura! Time to go home!

Laura: Coming, Dad!

Due to the time being 10:30 P.M., everyone has gone to bed already.

Turlandb: Let's go, Laura. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow!

Laura: I'm coming!

Turlandb and Laura go home, and SMG4 and Tari go to bed.

(Hope you enjoyed this. Damn, SMG4 and Tari really struggled against Laura, but it looks like they might be ready to take on JonWig! Place your bets on who would win! Anyways, see you later!)

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