*Static* Invasion

58 3 19

Turlandb: *Sitting with Jen*

Jen: *Purring*

Laura: Mom?! Dad?!

Turlandb: Hmm?

Jen: Huh?

Laura: You gotta come back to our Universe... There's something... Well... 100000 somethings there!

Turlandb: O_O

Turlandb teleports them back to his Universe.

Turlandb: What is here- *JonTron voice* HOLY SHIT!

Jen: WHOA!

A small creature walks up to the family.

Rabbid: Ba bwabwabwa. Ba.

Turlandb: It's the Rabbids!

Jen: AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! It's so cute! :D

Rabbid: :)

(Oh, man...)

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