The Truce

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Turlandb: Anthony77...

Anthony77: Turlandb...

Turlandb: It's been a while.

Anthony77: Indeed it has.

Anthony77 looks into the sky.

Anthony77: Oi! Creator! What the hell is up with my absence?!

TheStarGod: Oh, calm down. Relax. I'll give you a major part, starting in this chapter.

Anthony77: Yeah, whatever you say...

TheStarGod: Anyways, carry on with your conversation.

Anthony77: Yeah, sure. Anyways... Turlandb, I have something to say to you.

Turlandb: Hmm?

Anthony77: I know we're archenemies, and we both want to kill each other, but...

Turlandb: ?

Anthony77: I am aware of the Shadownova situation, and I... Want to help you.

*Record scratch*

Turlandb: *JonTron voice* WHAT?!

Anthony77: You heard that right. I wanna help you and the other... What are you all called...?

Turlandb: Multiversal Heroes.

Anthony77: Yeah, that. I wanna help you all take on Shadownova and his allies.

Turlandb: Give me one damn good reason.

*One damn good reason that lasted a half-hour later...*

Turlandb: ...Oh...

Anthony77: See where I'm getting at? All I'm asking is a truce.

Turlandb: Hmm... How do I know I can trust you?

Anthony77: I figured you would ask that. Well... You're not gonna believe me when I say this...

Turlandb: What?

Anthony77: About Kylie...

Turlandb: What about her?

Anthony77: She... She's my daughter...

Turlandb: NANI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anthony77: Yup... Lemme tell you the whole story...

Turlandb: Whoa...

Anthony77: Kylie wasn't always a villain... You know that already...

Turlandb: Yep...

Anthony77: Well... Her mother...

Turlandb: What about her...?

Anthony77: Kylie's mother died when Kylie was seven years old...

Turlandb: Ohh...

Anthony77: Kylie was a sweet little girl... Her mother was the Star Child...

Turlandb: Oh, god...

Anthony77: Then Kylie by accident saw me and you fighting one day... That was when Kylie decided to join the Ztars... She wants to be just like me...

Turlandb: Oh, my god...

Anthony77: When Kylie disappeared... I thought she had perished... Then when I found out she was alive... I felt relieved... And I want her to know that I'm still alive too... She thinks I'm dead...

Turlandb: Shit...

Anthony77: I know I can get her back... That's why I want to help you... I wanna find my daughter... I wanna let her know I'm alive and well...

Turlandb: I see...

Anthony77: Will you let me help you...?

Turlandb: *Sigh* Alright... Truce.

Turlandb and Anthony77 shake hands.

Turlandb: You do realize it's gonna be extremely fucking difficult to convince the other Multiversal Heroes you want to help, right?

Anthony77: I'm aware, but I'm prepared for that.

Turlandb: Okay.

(Damn... I didn't know...)

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