Laura's Ultimate Challenge

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This is the finale of the Laura Arc!

Laura: Mom?

Jen: Hmm?

Laura: Can you hold the Purple Star for a moment?

Laura gives Jen the Purple Elemental Star.

Jen: Sure, sweetheart...

Jen takes the Purple Elemental Star.

Laura: I'll be right back.

Jen: Alrighty...

Laura walks to the castle with a determined look.

Laura: Daddy... This is it... I fought you many times... You've many times... But this is your final... I should be stronger than you by now.

Laura arrives at the castle and enters it. Turlandb is talking to Infinite and SmeshBras123.

Turlandb: DAMN, that was amazing!

Infinite: Hell yeah, it was!

SmeshBras123: We SO needed that guy's night out!

The three friends high-five each other and laugh like retards. Laura comes up to her father.

Laura: Daddy...

Turlandb: Hmm? Oh, hey Laura.

Laura summons a Power Star in her hand.

Infinite: What the...?

SmeshBras123: Huh...?

Turlandb: Hmm... I see... You want to challenge me again.

Laura: Yes... I do.

Infinite: Uh, oh...

Turlandb: Your challenge is accepted.

Laura: Great!

Jen comes into the castle with the Purple Elemental Star.

Jen: She gave me the Star- WHAT?!

Turlandb: Clever... You gave up the Purple Star to make this fair. I respect that.

Laura: Thanks.

Turlandb: Lets go some place where we won't be interrupted.

Turlandb teleports himself, Laura, Jen, Infinite, and SmeshBras123 to a Minecraft Superflat world.

SmeshBras123: Whoa!

Infinite: Where we we?!

Jen: I know where we are...

Turlandb: Welcome... To my Battle Dimension!

Infinite: Nice name.

Laura: Let's get this over with, Dad.

Turlandb puts his hands behind his back.

Turlandb: Give me your all.

Laura: Gladly!

Laura starts teleporting rapidly around Turlandb.

Turlandb: Hmm...

Laura goes to throw a punch at her father.

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