Family Reunion

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Kylie's laying on a hill.

Kylie: *Evil giggle* Ooh, I love life right now!

Kylie looks at the sky at the Stars.

Kylie: Grrr... But those Stars are making me a little mad... Hmm... Maybe a walk will clear hy head more.

Kylie starts walking around.

Kylie: That was very cool of Lord Shadownova to free Omegammoth from that prison. Now we can go ahead and find the Weegee Stone-

???: Kylie...

Kylie: Huh?! Who's there?!

Kylie looks around.

Kylie: Show yourself!

The person reveals himself to Kylie... It's Anthony77.

Anthony77: Daughter...

Kylie: H-huh...?!

Anthony77: It's me...

Kylie: F-father...!

Kylie runs to Anthony77 and hugs him tight, as he hugs her back.

Anthony77: I thought you perished...

Kylie: *Sheds a tear* I'm okay... I'm alive... Where have you been...? I thought Turco killed you...

Anthony77: He almost did... But I managed to escape...

Kylie: Thank god... I missed you so much...

Anthony77: Me too... But I must tell you something...

Kylie: Oh...?

Anthony77: It's-

Snadownova suddenly appears.

Anthony77: Hmm?

Kylie: Oh! Lord Shadownova!

Shadownova: Anthony77...

Anthony77: Shadownova...

Shadownova: What the hell are you doing?

Anthony77: Reuniting with my long-lost daughter.

Kylie: Lord Shadownova... I wanna be with my father for a little while...

Shadownova: ...No.

*Record scratch*

Kylie: *JonTron voice* WHAT?!

Anthony77: *Eyes widen*

Shadownova: You heard me.

Kylie: But-

Shadownova: Your father is working with the heroes.

Kylie: *Eyes widen*

Anthony77: *Growls*

Shadownova: He made a truce with that pathetic Star God in order to take you back.

Kylie: W-what...?

Anthony77: YOU SON OF A BITCH!

Shadownova: I know what you all are doing.

Anthony77's eyes glow with rage.

Kylie: Dad...!

Shadownova: Kylie... Think about what you are doing right now...

Kylie: I just want to be with my father!

Shadownova: ...

Kylie: Please let me!

Anthony77: Grrr...

Shadownova: ...Fine. Very well. You can be with your father for a little while. *Telepathically to Kylie: But join the heroes, and I will erase you from existance.*

Kylie: *Telepathically* I-I understand...*

Shadownova taps his staff on the ground and disappears.

Kylie: Phew...

Anthony77: Grrr...

Kylie: Dad... Please calm down...

Anthony77 calms down.

Anthony77: Alright...

Kylie smiles weakly and hugs her father again. Anthony77 hugs his daughter back.

Kylie: I wanna spend the day with you, Dad... ^^

Anthony77: I want to spend today with you too, Kylie... Let's go.

Kylie smiles. Anthony77 and Kylie disappear.


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