Oh, Boi! Dinner!

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SmeshBras123 sighs, still a little upset about the Mario Kart events.

Infinite: You okay, buddy?

SmeshBras123: Sort of... I'm still upset about how I was a selfish dick to you guys during the Mario Kart match...

Infinite: Hey, it's okay. We forgive you and Cristina.

SmeshBras123: Thanks... But I still feel bad.

Infinite: Hmm... Oh! Hey Smesh, how about me and you have a guy's night out between me, you, and Turco?

SmeshBras123: Really? That sounds cool! I'm in!

Infinite: Awesome!

Infinite calls Turlandb, and Turlandb teleports over.

Turlandb: This sounds like fun!

Infinite: You ready, Smesh?

SmeshBras123: Hell yeah!

Infinite: I'm feeling hungry. Who else?

Turlandb: I am.

SmeshBras123: Me too, now that you mention it.

Infinite: I know a good spot!

Infinite teleports everyone to a restaurant labeled, "Restaraunt With Food. Duh".

Turlandb: I don't think I've heard of this place.

SmeshBras123: Me neither.

Infinite: Me and Crystal come here a lot! Luigi is the waiter!

SmeshBras123: Wait... Luigi's the waiter? Count me in!

Turlandb: Me too!

The three friends enter the restaurant.

Turlandb: It looks pretty good!

SmeshBras123: *Click* NOICE!

A waiter leads the friends to their table.

SmeshBras123: These seats are comfy!

Turlandb: Hell yeah, they are!

Infinite: The food's even better!

Luigi comes up to the friends.

Luigi: Hello sir, can I take your order?

SmeshBras123: Aw, hell yeah! We got Luigi!

Luigi: *Chuckles* What do you guys want?

Turlandb and SmeshBras123 order their food.

Luigi: Okay... What about you, Infinite?

Infinite slams his hands on the table.

Infinite: I'm very hungry! Give me the H A M B U R G E R!

Turlandb: Infinite?

SmeshBras123: You okay, dude?

Infinite: Yeah, I'm fine. The hamburgers here are delicious!

Luigi: Okie dokie!

Luigi goes into the kitchen.

Infinite: While we're waiting, what's been going on lately?

SmeshBras123: A little while ago, Turco took me to Star Hill for a visit.

Turlandb: Yup!

Infinite: Oh, you lucky bastard.

SmeshBras123: *Chuckle* And also, me and Cristina have a new Wisp friend.

Infinite: *Le Sr Pelo gasp* You have a Wisp friend?

SmeshBras123: Yup! He's awesome! We're still coming up with a name for him.

Infinite: Damn... You have been living the life.

SmeshBras123: Yup. Turco's living the life, too.

Turlandb remembers the Umbra Watch SmeshBras123 gave Jen.

Turlandb: Mmhmm.

SmeshBras123: I gave Jen an Umbra Watch as a thank you for helping me and Cristina feel better.

Infinite: Wait... Seriously?

Turlandb: Yup...

Infinite: *Chuckle* Well... Welcome to the world of teasing, Turco.

Turlandb: Guess I'm a lucky boi.

SmeshBras123: How often is Jenonetta teasing you?

Turlandb: You have NO idea.

Infinite/SmeshBras123: *Laughs*

Turlandb: I like it, though. Thanks, Smesh.

SmeshBras123: Anytime.

Luigi comes out with their food.

SmeshBras123: Oh, sweet!

Turlandb: Whoo!

Infinite: Yeah!

Luigi gives the friends their food.

Luigi: Okie dokie! Enjoy!

Luigi goes back into the kitchen, as the three friends look at each other.

SmeshBras123: Guys?

Infinite: Are we all thinking the same thing?

Turlandb: Hell yeah!

Infinite: 3...

Turlandb: 2...

SmeshBras123: 1...

The three friends start eating.

SmeshBras123/Infinite/Turlandb: NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!!

The three friends all finish eating at the exact same time.

SmeshBras123: Did uhhh... Did I... Did I win?

Turlandb: I think we all tied.

Infinite: Dammit.

SmeshBras123: Eh, that don't matter. The food was AMAZING!

Turlandb: You said it, buddy!

Infinite: We might have to come back again.

SmeshBras123: Hell yeah!

Luigi comes out with the bill.

Luigi: That'll be eighty-five dollars.

Infinite pays the bill, and the three friends walk out of the restaurant.

SmeshBras123: That was awesome!

Infinite: I knew you would love it!

Turlandb: Feeling better, Smesh?

SmeshBras123: Hell yeah! You guys managed to cheer me up! :D

Turlandb: Awesome!

Infinite: Crystal is trying to cheer up Cristina as we speak.

SmeshBras123: Nice. I hope Cristina gets cheered up.

Turlandb: I'm sure she will, buddy.

SmeshBras123: Thanks for helping me cheer up, guys!

Infinite/Turlandb: You're welcome!

(So Smesh is now completely cheered up. Awesome! Now all we need to do is hope that Crystal can cheer up Cristina. Anyways, see you later!)

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