Ghastly Ally

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Ghast Titan: Grrr!

Turlandb: Take the Apple!

The Ghast Titan spits a bunch of fireballs at the Star God.

Turlandb: Grrr!

Turlandb deflects all of the fireballs back at the Titan with his sword.

Ghast Titan: Argh!

Turlandb teleports on top of the Titan's head.

Ghast Titan: Hey! Get off me!

Turlandb: Hear me out! I just wanna give you something!

Ghast Titan: ?

Turlandb gets out fifteen Golden Apples and flies down in front of the Titan.

Ghast Titan: :O

Turlandb: Take 'em!

Turlandb throws the Golden Apples into the Ghast Titan's mouth. The Titan gulps them down.

Ghast Titan: *Eyes sparkle*

Turlanb: *Thoughts: Did... Did it work...?*

The dark and evil magic leaves the Ghast Titan.

Ghast Titan: H-holy shit...

Turlandb: You feeling okay?

Ghast Titan: Yep! Never better!

Turlandb: Awesome!

You already know what happens next. Consumed by light, shrinks him down, gives him the ability to change size, teleporting back to Turlandb's Universe, yadda, yadda and shit.


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