How the Dark Future Played Out...

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In case you were curious what happened to Ghost Turlandb before he went back in time to warn his past self in an alternate timeline... And holy shit... I actually had a hard time containing myself while writing this...

Turlandb: *Pulls the Sword of Light out of Anthony77's chest*

Anthony77 falls to the ground... He and Dark Star were dead...

Turlandb: ...He's gone... Finally...

Jen: 😟

Laura: 😧

Emily: 😨

Turlandb: ...Let's go home...


Kylie: *Humming*

Laura: K-Kylie...

Kylie: ?

Laura: Your father... H-he...

Kylie: Huh...?

Laura: ...He's dead.

Kylie: W-WHAT?! 😰

Laura: I'm so sorry...!

Kylie: ...

*Later that day...*

Turlandb: *Exhales*

Kylie: How could you...?

Turlandb: Hmm? Kylie?

Kylie: You killed my Dad...!

Turlandb: Kylie, he was too dangerous to be left alive! He needed to be put down-

Kylie: NO! NO, HE DIDN'T!

Turlandb: !

Kylie: ...I can't believe you... You're a monster...

Turlandb: What...?

Kylie: You killed the one family I had left... You're not a hero... *Turns and leaves*

Turlandb: Kylie-

Kylie: I HATE you!

Kylie teleports away.

Turlandb: D:

Later, Kylie places a massive bounty on Turlandb's head. Infinite reads the paper and spits out his Fanta.


Turlandb: Hmm?

Infinite: What the hell did you do?!

Turlandb: W-what are you talking about?!

Infinite: Kylie just placed a massive bounty on your head! You're now wanted!

Turlandb: WHAT?!

Infinite: Here! You see for yourself!

Turlandb takes the paper and reads it.

Turlandb: What...? W-why...?

Infinite: What the hell did you do?!

Turlandb: I-I hardly did anything!

Infinite: You sure as hell did something!

Laura: He killed Anthony77...

Turlandb: !

Infinite: ...What?

Laura: *Nods*

Infinite: ...Is this true?

Turlandb: ... *Nods* Yes.

Infinite: ...Who the hell are you?

Turlandb: ?!

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