Emerald x Gold

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Mother of Jen and her sisters. Emerald is the Inkling Witch. She has an unlimited amount of helpful and harmful potions she can pull out from nowhere (thanks to SMG4 logic). She can also create potions in as little as a half of a second. She can throw her harmful potions ten times faster than the speed of sound and can drink her helpful potions in less than a second. If you need help in potion brewing, this is the gal to talk to. She has a Witch form where she can throw potions at light speed and can drink helpful potions even faster. Her potions become significantly stronger and deadlier, and she can summon a rain of harmful potions on her enemies.

Husband of Emerald and father of Jen and her sisters. He is a Bowmaster, mastering every single form of archery. He can shoot arrows ten times faster than the speed of sound. He can hit tiny targets miles away with his eyes closed. The ends of his bow has blades on them in case he needs to do close-combat, and if he needs to, he can disconnect his bow into two halves and use them as swords. Some of his arrows can be combined with the effect of one of Emerald's potions to make his arrows even more deadly. He can shoot over fifty arrows at once, and he can fire tons of arrows into the sky to make them rain down on his enemies. He has a Bowmaster form where he can shoot arrows at light speed and summon even more deadly arrow rains. His arrows also become significantly stronger and deadlier.

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