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It was Saturday morning, 11:00 A.M. and Turlandb's alarm clock goes off.

Turlandb: *shuts off the clock and jumps out of bed* Hell yeah! The finale of the Anime Arc!

CoolGirlJen19: Really? Finally! I'll go wake up Laura.

Turlandb: I'll call JonWig and AngryAlto and invite them to the castle to watch the finale with us.

CoolGirlJen19 goes to Laura's room to wake her up, and Turalndb gets out his phone and makes a couple of calls. After ten minutes, everything is ready.

Turlandb: Ok. JonWig and AngryAlto are at the castle with Mario, Meggy, Bob, Fishy Boopkins, Axol, Luigi, and Saiko. They're gonna watch with us.

CoolGirlJen19: Ok! Let's go!

Turlandb, CoolGirlJen19, and Laura head off to the castle. They finally arrive.

JonWig: Awesome! You guys made it!

Turlandb: Wouldn't miss it. Now, what time is it?

Turlandb checks his watch, and its 11:58 A.M.

Turlandb: Just in time!

Turlandb finds SMG4's newest upload.

Turlandb: Final Hours.

Laura: Wow. Creative name.

Turlandb: Indeed. Let's watch!

17 minutes later, everyone is silent and shocked, until JonWig breaks the silence.

JonWig: WHAAAT?!

Turlandb: What the hell was that?!

Mario: This is BULLSH*T!

Meggy: What did he do to me?! Huh?

Meggy starts feeling weird, as she turned into a human.

Meggy: AAHHH!

Mario: NOO!

Turlandb: Sh*t!

Meggy: No...!!... This can't be happening! I can't even turn to Squid Form!

Mario: No!

Turlandb: Calm down! There is a reason why Meggy is a human!

Mario: Because SMG4 decided to ruin my girlfriend's life!

Turlandb: Well, that and...

JonWig: After doing some inkling research, I have found that this happens to inklings when they lose all or most of their ink. (Wow. Good theory.)

Meggy: So, all we need to do is put ink back in my body?

Turlandb: Yup. And I can do exactly that!

Meggy: Please help, Turlandb!

Turlandb: I got you! STAR POWER!

Turlandb uses his Star Power, and a giant ball of orange ink appears above Meggy.

Meggy: Drop it.

Turlandb puts Meggy inside the ball of ink.

Mario: I hope to GOD this works!

After a minute, the ball of ink disappears, and Meggy comes out.

Meggy: Ugh! Am I...? Did it work?

Turlandb holds up a mirror.

Meggy: YES! I'm an inkling again!

Mario: YES!

Mario and Meggy hug each other tightly, both shedding tears.

Turlandb: Now where the hell is SMG4?

SMG4 comes out of his room.

SMG4: Finally! The Anime Arc is complete! Human Meggy was a success! I'm gonna get so many views!

Turlandb: SMG4!!!

SMG4: Oh, hello Turlandb! Did you watch my finale?

Turlandb: We all did. And we don't appreciate it.

SMG4: What? What the hell are you talking about?

Turlandb: Well, for one thing, Mario!

Mario charges at SMG4.

SMG4: *Homer Simpson scream*

Mario tackles SMG4.



Turlandb: Meggy!

Meggy walks over to SMG4 with her Splattershot in her hand.

SMG4: No! Nonono!

Meggy: Mario, hold him down.

SMG4: Wait, wait, wait!

Mario pins SMG4 to the wall. Meggy charges her Splattershot as high as it can go, and aims it at SMG4's head.

SMG4: No! No! NO! Don't shoot my head, please!

Meggy: Oh, I won't.

SMG4: Oh, thank God.

Meggy aims the fully charged Splattershot at SMG4's pingas.


Mario: Do it!

Meggy: Gladly!

Meggy pulls the trigger, and the fully charged Splattershot hits SMG4's pingas, and his eyes go wide, and a bell dings.

Turlandb: Cover your ears!

Everyone covers their ears.


SMG4 continues to scream, as Mario throws him back into his room.

Turlandb: I'm taking my family home.

JonWig: I'm going home, too. I need time to recover from that video.

Everyone goes back home, and SMG4 continues to scream.

(I thought that video was amazing...until the ending. That was complete, and total bullsh*t! SMG4 ruined one of my favorite characters! AND, adding insult to injury, it looked like Mario was gonna confess his feelings to Meggy, but then he doesn't, AND, SMG4 didn't make the ship canon! I am SO pissed off! Good luck having kids now, SMG4! Anyways, see you later!)

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